






Steal My 3-Step Intuitive Coaching System to Own Your Confidence, Unlock Your Intuition & Craft A Signature 5k+ Program that Calls In Your Dream Clients!


Called  to Coach

Especially for Aspiring Coaches, Therapists, Empaths, Intuitives, & Change-Agents

June 20th – 22nd 

@ 12pm EST

Called  to Coach Workshop

 Is a 3 day immersive “get shit done” workshop for intuitive life coaches, designed to help you unlock your intuitive abilities, master your unique coaching style, and launch an aligned practice that serves your soulmate clients in the way only you can.

Here’s what you’ll learn…


June 20th @ 12PM EST

Own Your Confidence & Authority as a Professional Intuitive Coach

End self-sabotage and get clear and consistent for good with our “purpose-first, profit-next” coaching philosophy.
The real reason why intuitive coaches don’t feel confident even after tons of training and the  #1 shift to make to finally embrace self-belief!
Master the 3 coaching skills that generate up to 60-80% of client results and set you apart as a Catagory-of-One Professional Coach!

June 21st @ 12PM EST

Master the 5 Intuitive Modalities & Unlock Your Unique Coaching Genius

Identify your primary intuitive modality and strengthen it to develop your other gifts. (You’ll never doubt your abilities again after this!)
Learn how to tune in, interpret, and communicate all your intuitive hits to your clients in a grounded, accurate way using our 5 step Intuitive Coaching Model.

Move past the myths & understand the 5 primary intuitive “gateways” (the “Clairs”) of intuitive knowing that easily expand your skill set.


June 22nd @ 12PM EST

Design Your Signature 3-5k+ Program that Sells & Serves

End “multi-passionate entrepreneur syndrome” by focusing in on the ONE THING you are truly called to coach and offer your clients.

Discover the #1 quality your program MUST have to make it original, authentic and have your clients screaming, “so worth it!” by using our “Goldilocks Method.”

Get out of the time-for-money trap and go high-value and never drop your rates again using our “Happy Price” strategy.

Learn all of this and more when you join us for this 3-day workshop on

June 20th – 22nd, 2023

@ 12pm EST

Imagine  what it would be like to…

  • Be known for your own unique style of coaching by mastering both traditional and intuitive coaching skills.
  • Run a purposeful, profitable coaching business led by your intuition that frees your creativity and finances.
  • Have the confidence and competence of a professional coach on par with the top coaches in the field.
  • Have the energy and flexibility to work and live in harmony with your highest vision.
  • Know exactly how to price your coaching packages for maximum growth. (Hint: no more trading dollars for hours).
  • Learn research-supported ways to use your intuition as your #1 coaching tool.

Well, no more imagining!

I am going to teach you how to live your purpose, launch your practice, and command high-value rates without burning out or going broke in the process.

The 3-day Immersive Workshop On

June 20th – 22nd, 2023

@ 12pm EST

Candace MacNair

“Every single gift and talent you have really comes together.”

  • Enrolled her first client in her high-value program
  • Designed her signature Program
  • Began unapologetically using her intuitive abilities in her practice.

Diane Joiner

“The trainings really helped me to condense everything and create my lighthouse message. It helped me get absolute clarity on the program and what I was actually offering people.”

  • Enrolled her first three clients!
  • Created 2 signature programs
  • Crafted her message that converts.

Kerrie Martin

“After the workshop, I feel far more grounded in my abilities, am able to trust my instincts and intuitive skills, and am able to revamp myself as a coach.”

  • Got the confidence she needed to remarket her business
  • Created her new program
  • Was able to sell her new program to clients immediately

By The End Of The Workshop You Will…

  • Radically up-shift your confidence in yourself, your coaching skills, and your purpose.
  • A profound understanding of your main intuitive abilities and a plan on how to use them in your practice.
  • Enthusiastically tell others who you are, what you do, who you do it for, and why you do it as a professional intuitive coach.
  • A clear, concise, and easily articulated message that resonates with your dream clients.
  • A one-of-a-kind 3k+ signature package that you’re on fire to offer to everyone.

Intuition is the Secret  Skill  of

Every World-Class Coach.

It begins on June 20th, 2023!

@ 12pm EST

Created by
Heather Alice Shea.

Hi, I’m Heather – Founder & CEO of Atmana Academy, the world’s first research-based life coach training and certification school for intuitive life coaches.

If you’ve resonated with everything I’ve said so far – leading with your intuition, transforming lives through coaching, and following your calling to be a coach – then you are definitely in the right place!

Early on in my coaching practice I realized that the most powerful coaching tool I possessed was my intuition. Using my intuition with my clients allowed for lightning speed results incomparable to any other method I’d ever used before.

But there wasn’t a single training or certification program out there on how to integrate intuition into my practice in a respected and reliable way. And I was stuck in a “time for money” trap because I didn’t know how to package my services. But I didn’t give up!  Fast forward to today…

I’ve built a 7-figure life coach training school that has helped hundreds of new and experienced coaches on 5 different continents, embrace their power and potential as an intuitive life coach.

I created the Called to Coach workshop to teach you the 3 pillars of building a wildly successful, soul-aligned intuitive coaching practice on your terms — so you could skip the hard lessons and expensive mistakes that I made.

And I would be honored to be YOUR guide on this intuitive coaching journey.

Let’s turn your intuitive talent into a profitable and professional skill, attract your dream clients, and price your coaching package for what it’s truly worth!

See you at the workshop!

Together We Rise,
Heather & Team Atmana

Ebony Ebonaire

“Heather’s information is just priceless. It really has enhanced my life in a meaningful way.”

  • Raised her rates…finally!
  • Embraced her intuitive gifts
  • Designed her signature program

Kirsten Huneyball

“Through the course, I was able to recognize that my personal journey, was something I could carry effective to other people and help.”

  • Signed her first two clients!
  • Crafted a signature 6-month program as a recovery coach.
  • Overcame her imposter syndrome and self-doubt by charging the full value for her services.

Magdalena Klimczak-Brewer

“I’ve awakened to my soul’s calling. This workshop was the missing puzzle piece!”

  • Started her YouTube Channel
  • Launched her Website

The time is NOW to create a purposeful and profitable intuitive coaching business!

The 3-day Immersive Workshop On

June 20th – 22nd, 2023

@ 12pm EST

© Atmana Academy, Inc 2023.  All Rights Reserved.  Legal

This Program and Program materials are provided as tools for your own use and educational purposes only. There are many factors that influence your results. No guarantees can be made as to the financial results you will experience through this Program. The testimonials and examples used do not necessarily apply to the average enrollee and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. You agree that our company is not responsible for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, for your financial earnings or losses, or for any other result or outcome that you may experience through this Program. You recognize that the level of success achieved and results acquired via this program are influenced by many factors completely unrelated to it, such as your individual capacity, business experience, previous expertise, and level of desire, motivation, and commitment level to your own growth and success. We cannot guarantee or predict your future results or success. Nothing related to this Program is intended to be considered medical, mental health, legal, financial, or religious advice in any way. You acknowledge that you take full responsibility for yourself and all decisions made before, during and after the Program.