Ep32: Building Your Brand on Truth Not Trends with Kaye Putnam

Aug 4, 2020

Does your brand reflect your truth? Do you feel like your brand is not showing up right for the people you want to reach out to?

In this episode, we are excited to bring in one of the best brand strategists, Kaye Putnam. Kaye is a psychology-driven brand strategist who helps entrepreneurs through her Clarity Code and her Brand Personality Archetype Quiz. She believes in pursuing audacious dreams and that there is a genius that lives inside every entrepreneur. Kaye shares why a brand is not just about the graphics, the colors, or the latest fonts. 

As Kaye would say it, if you want to “Build your brand on truth, not trends”, then this podcast is perfect for you. Listen in and enjoy!

Soul Stirring Quotes

“Build your brand on truth not trends.”

“I’ve been on a constant mission to find out who I am and how to express it to the world, and the tools that the archetypes provided gave that clarity.”

“Archetypes are patterns of the collective unconscious

or categories that we see all over the world.”

“We need to build our brands based on what is going on inside and translate that into outward cues.”

“Your brand is who you are and it is a process of you being more in alignment with who you are over time.”

“Your brand is your identity and what makes you different from everybody else.”

“We are in this rough slab of marble. There’s greatness inside of us and chisel out the pieces that aren’t really you.”

Episode Timecodes:

  • 0:30 Who is Kaye Putnam and how does she help new coaches.

  • 3:25 Kaye shares her story on how she started with her business and how she discovered the Brand Archetypes.

  • 6:25 What is an Archetype?

  • 9:30 Kaye shares her thoughts on building brands on the truths not the trends.

  • 11:32 What is a brand? What are the key things you need to think about first?

  • 14:25 Why most entrepreneurs don’t want to be visible and show up in their unique way?

  • 17:30 What are the first steps of Kaye to help people find their brand?

  • 19:45 Why do we edit ourselves and our brand?

  • 21:50 Kaye shares the 12 Brand Archetypes and how they show up.

  • 28:00 What advice can Kaye give to people who want to build their authentic brand?

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Episode Transcript:

Heather Alice: Ready to build your brand on truth, not trends. I got your girl coming up. Welcome to the everyday intuitive podcast. I’m your host, Heather Alice Shea intuitive life coach trainer status quo, shaker and founder of atmana coaching academy. Listen in each week to break up with your comfort zone claim your self confidence and radically embrace your role as an intuitive healer mentor and sought after coach let’s get within and get after it.

Our guest today is Kay Putman. She is someone that I have been stalking online for quite a while. She is a brand strategist for entrepreneurs. And the reason why I love her is she takes a psychology driven approach to helping her hundreds and hundreds of clients from all over the world. Whether they’re global.

Brands or solo business owners through her method, she developed called the clarity code and Kay is a big believer in pursuing dreams that are there inside of the, so of a person, right. She’s really into like helping you unlock your genius. And she is really a proponent of developing a clear brand that you love, that you respect, that your clients love and respect and are willing to pay premium prices for.

because it is really a representation of your authentic self, you know, the brand you’re meant to bring into the world and her work, I think really gives new coaches, especially a lot of clarity and confidence around their business that provides impact and income as they move forward. So without further ado, I give you K platinum.

Okay. Thanks so much for coming on the show. Thank you so

Kaye: much for having me. I’m so thrilled to be

Heather Alice: here. Yeah. So we were just chatting before we got started and I was telling you, and I’ll share with our audience why I am fan girl geeked to have you on the podcast. So, you know, I’m gonna, for everybody listening, you guys know that I really, really freaking proud of just now completing graduate school and getting my master’s in clinical mental health counseling.

And so I’m gonna throw that. Bone of feed a, around a little bit and say that Kay’s angle on branding is so incredibly on point and unique. That’s really why I’m so stoked to have her here because she takes this really cool psychology driven approach to branding. And as a person who nerds. On that type of information, right?

Like how we approach the world using archetypes and myth and you know, really looking at life that way when I discovered your work and I took your brand quiz, like I just spent hours on it because it really actually does map onto. Those principles that are so true for every human being, right? Like there is an archetypal reality.

There is a way human beings, you know, a lens through which we all commonly see the world. And I just really feel like you are bringing that to the table in terms of like helping your clients brand in a way that I don’t see anyone else doing. So I am so excited to have you here on the show to help everyone, you know, grasp those concepts and start to apply that in their own business.

Oh, my gosh, Heather, we are going to have the

Kaye: best time nerding out about all things. Psychology driven, branding. I’m so excited to be here. I myself don’t have the same level of formal education. I have a minor in psychology. My undergrad was in marketing, but when I discovered brand archetypes, it. The most significant epiphany moment that I’ve ever experienced ever in my life.

I’ve been on this constant mission to figure out exactly who I am and how to express that to the world. Mm-hmm and it wasn’t until I could use the tools that the archetypes provided, that I really started to understand what that was on a deep level. So. Started using archetypes for myself. Cause I needed that clarity.

And just in

Heather Alice: like your personal life or for your, for your brand more,

Kaye: more for my business. Yeah. Okay. I approached it from a business approach, right from the start. I found it on this. this website, it looked like it was built in 1995. And like on geo cities for, for those fellow

Heather Alice: nerds. MySpace yes. . Do you remember that?

Oh yes. Oh yes. I was

Kaye: a OG nerd online. I think I built my first website when I was 11. Uh oh, wow, cool. Um, So it’s on this, just this like informational website, it just had the descriptions of these 12 archetypes. And I was looking through them reading each of the descriptions. It was just like the common universal human motivation, the fear and what their drive is to do in the world.

And all of a sudden I could see all of these. Like famous leaders, these entrepreneurs that I’ve been following, I’m like, oh, this one’s this archetype, this one’s that archetype, this one’s this archetype. And I had been trying to emulate all of them all at once, which turned out to be this extremely awkward, like mask that I was trying to put on myself.

Yeah. So that I could be a leader in this space and reach people in a way that resonated with them. And it was backfiring because it was not authentic and it was awkward, like I said. Right, right. So it took the archetypes to see. To have that epiphany that like, not only do I need to be myself, but I need to be the best version of myself and.

Create that resonance through specificity, through choosing, I like to recommend that people choose two archetypes to focus on because it creates that knowing like that gut reaction in the market, like, oh, I get what you stand for. I know I’ve seen you. I’ve seen your type

Heather Alice: before. Mm-hmm . So when you discovered the archetypes and we’re gonna get in, I’ve got, you know, a whole slew of questions here, and I have a feeling we’re gonna get to all of ’em in a really fun way.

So when you first discovered archetypes. I’m shocked that your minor’s only in psych because you have an innate understanding of it. But so when you discovered them, it helped you make sense of not only yourself, but yourself in the world, almost like your own position in the world. In addition to what you’re bringing into the world, that’s really, that’s a cool way to think about what an archetype can do for.

mm-hmm . So how would you define archetype, like to you? How do you, so let’s kind of for the listeners who aren’t familiar with that concept let’s

Kaye: yeah. They’re I think young called them like patterns of the collective unconscious it’s these patterns or these types, or. Categories that we see everywhere in the world.

So whether you’re watching a game of Thrones, or if you’re walking through an aisle of the grocery store or through the mall, or just interfacing with people in our life, we all embody these types. And there’s lots of different systems. The one that I use predominantly has 12 archetypes and there’re things like the hero.

Which is like Nike, there is the caregiver, which is like Johnson and Johnson. There’s the Sage and the magician, which are my two blend mine too. My oh, amazing saging magician. No wonder we like each other so much. right. And we don’t know each other very well yet. That’s alright. But that resonance happens really quickly when you are unapologetic about who you are and what you stand for.

So, Just to continue just this quick introduction. I won’t go through all 12, cause it takes a while, but Sage is the teacher, the wisdom seeker, and then magician is all about change and transformation and particularly inner power or connecting to like universal laws. Sometimes spirituality to make

Heather Alice: some really dramatic changes.

mm-hmm I love it. Well, I, I actually do have it on deck for us to get through all of ’em. So we are gonna do that. Yeah. Because I think it helps. Well, one they’re just all so cool. Mm-hmm um, but I think it helps people understand that you can niche down while still embracing a. The diversity of yourself, right?

Like we’re never just one thing. So I think that that’s, what’s neat about the 12 archetypes that you’ve created really help people see, okay, this is what I am. And there is diversity in nicheing and saying, okay, no, we’re going to get specific. I think people are scared to develop their brand. because they’re afraid they’re gonna lose a part of themselves and getting specific, but the way you have it set up, you don’t because you’ve described these archetypes in a way that is so rich and so complex and so full that you kind of like when I discovered I was the Sage, I just, I was like, actually, you know what?

It was really relieving. We’re gonna give you guys a resource for you to take her brandality quiz, which just block off half a day, because you’re gonna spend, you’re gonna spend a whole day reading all of it, cuz she gives you access to the rest of the archetypes too. So, and she has Pinterest boards, ladies and gentlemen, it just doesn’t stop.

So yeah, but when I read it, I was like, oh my gosh, it was relieving mm-hmm it was relieving to. Okay. You know what? There’s this huge caregiver side of me, but it’s not actually what I lead with. Yeah. I lead with my Sage. I lead with, you know, my magician. It’s kind of like the second runner up. So I think that’s the power of it is we do need to show up the world kind of being more of who we are.

And you say something, this is another reason why I’m so excited to talk to you. You are a big proponent of building your brand. On the truth, not trends. You say that a lot. Yeah. So can you speak to that?

Kaye: Yes. So most people approach branding from the tip of the iceberg and they kind of ignore everything that’s underneath the surface.

So they start looking at like, oh, I’m gonna have this really great looking design for my logo. I’m gonna have these colors and these fonts. And then. Everybody ends up looking like some version of everybody else so that you’re following whatever’s popular at the time. And it’s changed over the years. I am such a believer that we need to build our brands based on what’s actually going on inside and then work to translate that into outward queues.

So it doesn’t work to start with outward cues first because you’re just gonna end up overwhelmed. Or you’re in this cycle of rebranding every six months, cuz it never really sticks. It never really feels quite right. Or it’s not attracting the right people because they have a misunderstanding about who you are and what you stand for based on how you’re showing up.

June. So if you start with what your personal truth is, and then make the decisions based on that, like, how am I gonna communicate this Sage nest about myself, this wisdom, this teacher, this focus on logic and on the truth. How can I bring that to life? In the words that I use in the design aspects of my brand?

Creates so much more longevity in the choices. It becomes much more timeless instead of something that you’re just basing on. Oh, I personally like this right now, but that’s gonna change.

Heather Alice: Right too quickly. Wow. So truly building your business from the inside out. Mm-hmm basing it on. Yeah. I love, I love that visual.

You gave it’s like we start with, oh, this font’s cool. Like, which actually brings up a really good question. Now this is gonna, I’m all about. Just asking the questions that seem kind of silly because I think we have conversations about these things, but I personally sometimes get confused when I’m listening to experts or people in the industry talk about things.

So what is a brand anyway? Like we hear people talk about build your brand, but I don’t know if we ever like really stop and ask, what is a brand? Is it the colors on your website? Is it your font? What is it really? Mm-hmm to say I am going to build a brand. So I love how you’re saying. Well, first of all, you need to start from the inside out.

So that it lasts, but in your world as a branding expert, what is a brand and what are the key things we should be thinking about when we build one, that’s not fonts and website colors, which are important, right? Yes. But you get to that later. Exactly. Exactly.

Kaye: Yeah. I like to say that I have a few different definitions and to be completely transparent, even as a brand strategist, I see brand being used.

A million different ways online. Okay. And none of them are completely incorrect, but a lot of them are incomplete. So your brand is who you are. And I like to think of it as an iterative process where you’re getting more in alignment with who you are over time. So I call intentional alignment over time is the process of branding.

And then the brand is who you are, your products, your services, your marketing, that’s how you help. But first you have to start. Who am I? What’s my position in the market. How are people going to perceive me? It’s your identity? If you’re thinking about your brand as a metaphor for just a human it’s, who that human is and what makes them different from everybody else?

Heather Alice: Wow. I don’t think that was very succinct, but no, that’s actually like so good that I’m like sitting in that for a minute, because that’s really what. I mean, I think that’s really what the world needs more of in general. Mm-hmm and right. And when I take my emerging coaches through our training and our life coach training and certification program, I am always telling them everything you’re getting here, everything I’m teaching you everything, you’re learning all the skills you’re developing all of the business strategy, all of the coaching strategy, all the skills, all of it.

None of it means anything unless you’re expressing. And you’re staying true to the work that you’re called to bring into this world and only, you know, what that work is, and only you can bring it forward. And so I love what you’re saying about branding. I think you’re saying the same thing. You’re saying what it doesn’t matter if you have a website up or if it’s, I mean, and it could be even slick, right?

Like let’s say that you hire someone and you pay ’em good money and they build out this amazing website and it looks slick to the world. But to you, it’s actually not congruent. Then you have a crap brand because it’s not real. It’s not true to you. Right. So I love that. I love that idea.

Kaye: Yeah, I think a lot of the, either the imposter syndrome or the comparisonitis or the cognitive dissonance that people feel when they’re trying to show up.

In the world, like in their brand happens when they don’t have their brand. Right. Yet. So if you are feeling a lot of those feelings where you don’t want to be visible, where you don’t want to share your gifts, where you don’t want to show up and shine in your unique way, I think it’s because you’re trying to do it as somebody else.

Like your brand isn’t in alignment yet. I think that’s a good indicator that you should pay attention.

Heather Alice: Oh, that’s a cool way to approach the whole. I am scared to be seen and heard, even though I know that I’m called to be seen and heard, but I’m scared to be seen and heard, but I know I should be seen and heard, but I’m scared.

Like it’s like we go back and forth with these things. Mm-hmm so you’re saying it’s a symptom of that is a symptom of not. Giving yourself permission to express that the truth of your own, you know, who you are in business. You’re not showing up authentically. Totally. Yeah. I

Kaye: think a metaphor I like to use is before I really had my brand dialed in, I felt like I was swimming upstream.

Like I couldn’t get the sales that I thought that I should have. I couldn’t attract the clients that I knew that I could help. Like I had the skills I had the raw talent to help, but none of it was coming easy. So hard all of the time, but once I got into alignment, once I started expressing myself and the archetypes were such a fabulous tool for that, because I had heard a bajillion times just be yourself, right.


Heather Alice: be yourself, but who the hell is? That’s that bitch? I dunno who she is. Exactly.

Kaye: So I needed a tool like a vehicle to get to that point where like, oh yeah, this is who I am. This is how I best show up. And then the more I’ve been dialing that in over the last couple of years, the easier everything gets.

It’s like, I just turn around and started swimming with current instead of

Heather Alice: upstream. That’s really cool. I love that. Yeah. I’ve experienced that. I have found that as I have stepped into , it’s been so much easier for me cuz I. What I was always meant to do was at motto. When I finally gave myself permission to say, you know what?

I’m not doing private coaching anymore. For personal work. I’m actually running a training academy. Everything got easier. Cuz I gave myself permission to show up and do the work I knew I was called to do. So messaging was easier. So now visibility is easier. It’s all just. Easier it’s flow. Like you’re saying it’s that flow state.

But what I love about what you do is , it’s hard to see yourself clearly. Yeah. As entrepreneurs, right? Like it’s like, you’re saying, we’re saying, oh, be yourself. But it is hard to know. I mean, I’ve got a master’s degree in this shit and I don’t know. It’s still hard for me to see myself clearly. Right. Like.

We’re all mysteries unto ourselves. And I think the thing we’re here to discover, like the greatest mystery we’re ever going to unravel is who we are. Mm-hmm . And so what’s so cool about what you do is you help people see themselves. Yeah. Yeah. From a branding perspective. So when you start working with someone, when they come to you.

What is that like for you? Like what are some of the first steps that you take as a brand expert to help people begin to look in, you know, really look in the mirror and love what they see and find a way to bring that to market.

Kaye: yes. Great question. I think that, I mean, I was always meant to do this work.

I see my job as being more of a mirror. Mm-hmm I tell my clients, I’m not gonna give you a brand. I’m never going to like deliver a brand to you on a silver platter. That’s not how this works. It’s more of an extraction process. And I think you’ll get this and you’ll appreciate it. I have an intuitive sense.

What really matters or what’s really truthful when I’m having that one-on-one conversation with clients. So when I first start working with clients, it’s more of just like, tell me your story. Tell me what you believe in. I have an exercise, literally UN creatively called the, I believe exercise where people just.

Either write out or tell me, I believe dot, dot, dot, finish that sentence a whole bunch of times. Cause I wanna know like the soul, like the guts of you and we’ll figure out later what’s actually gonna be applicable to your brand. But those are the types of things that humans actually connect on that they get attracted to.

That’s the things that are gonna act like a magnet for the people that you’re meant to serve. So we do a lot of. Extraction process cuz the whole brand process, I likened it to alignment, but another way to look at it, it’s like we’re all in this like rough slab of marble mm-hmm so there’s greatness inside of us.

We have to chisel away all the pieces. Aren’t really you. And that’s how I approach working with clients. It’s like, okay, tell me what you think that you need to be. But then let’s also have this really deep conversation about who you really are and what really lights you up. Even if it doesn’t make logical sense.

in your brand. We’ll figure out how to bring it forward in your business in a way that is strategic and is gonna attract the right people. Cause often, I mean, we think that we need to be something or we think that we have to, self-edit so much more than what is actually effective at building relationships.

With your ideal clients. It’s much more effective to show up as a multifaceted human. Yeah, with your strengths out front, but to share some of those human elements about yourself to attract

Heather Alice: the right people, why do you think we edit like that? The comparisonitis and the imposter

Kaye: syndrome that we talked about already?

It’s like, I don’t think that I’m quite good enough, or I don’t think that I’m gonna succeed. If I show up with this messiness, that is me, but I think truly, and this is another reason why I like the archetypes. It’s like, The things that we are. Self-conscious about. So the fact that I was like in math counts in high school and like was number four in my class and built a website at 11, like all of that juicy nerdiness that I had been trying to like push down in the background for so long.

Yeah. I finally gave myself permission to just bring forward and be like, no, this is really who I am. This is how my brain works. And people resonate so much more with that certainty than if you’re trying to

Heather Alice: put masks on and. So the irony, maybe you just gave you that. Thank you for sharing that. And as you were saying, as you were talking about being the math nerd, right.

It occurred to me that maybe the thing we’re we need to share the most is the thing that we’ve been shamed about ostracized for made fun of. And it’s the very thing that makes us powerful and strong and interesting and beautiful. Right. So maybe that’s a good place to start, sit down and ask yourself, what is the thing I’m most afraid of or embarrassed for people to know about me.

And that’s probably, you know, a huge part of your brand and probably something you’re really, really. Good at mm-hmm mm-hmm but I could see where you’d be really good at this with helping people like to use the framework you’ve created. I could see where you would be able to help people extract out the truth of their brand.

Cuz that’s your Sage. Right. You’re gonna be able as a fellow Sage, like the bullshit meter is so well calibrated, like, oh yeah, you can just see like what. And what is not, and it’s very, it comes very naturally to you. So that is really, really incredible. Okay. So let’s go through, would you mind hitting each of the archetypes for us really quick?

Yeah. So people can kind of get a sense of. And we’ll leave a link to this in the show notes, but just so people can get a sense of these incredible 12 categories that are sitting inside of them, right. You’re gonna fit into one of these one or two that can kind of give them direction in terms of bringing their brand forward.

Do you want me to name ’em all for you? No, I think I can do it off the top. you’re like girl pleth. It’s not quiz. I know these architects it’s, it’s

Kaye: been around. I, the quiz itself has been around since 2013. It’s been taken over a hundred thousand times, which completely blows my mind. That’s so time I think of that, people take it multiple times.

So it. , I don’t know if it’s been a hundred thousand people, but it’s been really amazing. So there we start with the caregiver. It’s the quintessential mother, right? It’s the person, that’s the person that like scoops you up and just takes care of things. We have the creator, which is the artist. We have the Explorer, which is the seeker, the person who’s trying to find fulfillment in their life experience.

The entertainer is focused on having fun right now in the present moment and not being so stressed out with everything that’s happening in the world. The girl or guy next door is the friend and the ally, the person who distrusts authority just a little bit and is the one that’s gonna like link, arms and create a community.

The hero. Is the achiever, the motivator innocent is it’s like getting back to the basics, the natural, if you’re thinking about it more in terms of like a personal life journey, it’s the childhood part of life. Okay. We have the lover, which loves passion, all things like sensory. And then also either sexual or romantic love can be a focus for the lover.

Magician, which we’ve talked about already. Magician is about inner power and transformation. The Maverick is the rebel, the disruptor, the destroyer to create new and better life. And then the Royal is all about. Having really high standards and leading by example. And then lastly, the Sage and I hope I haven’t forgotten one

Heather Alice: I think I got through.

Nope, you got ’em all. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. The Sage

Kaye: is the teacher, uh, you know, the Yoda, the mentor, if you will.

Heather Alice: mm-hmm and so they can take the quiz and then you get your quiz result, and then you also have access to where you can kind of see Pinterest boards. And I think you even have, like, one of the things I found really helpful with this age, and my second is the magician.

My third is a Maverick, but you can look at all of them and even get brand words, which is really cool. So you help people start, you know, just even. After taking the quiz, or even just going on the website and looking at the quiz page, you can see brand words that help you begin to distinguish. You have the Pinterest boards that really help you begin to get a feel for how this is embodied in the world.

From a brand perspective. So I just think that, that it’s such a rich resource that you’ve created and all of it’s for free. I’m like, and I know you have a course that goes with it. What’s the course that goes with it. So there’s actually 12

Kaye: different courses, one for each archetype called brand fluency.

Okay. So it’s basically a treasure trove for each of the archetypes about. There’s like 200 words in the paid course, or, you know, just tons of visual examples and other ways that you can strategically embody your archetype in your brand, but there’s tons of free resources on my site and yeah, that I’ve curated around the web

Heather Alice: as well.

Like you mentioned. Well, what I think is, and this is what I would recommend to all the aspiring coaches and therapists and healers who are listening to this, I really recommend starting where with the type of resources K provides. Before you go and drop, you know, 20 grand on someone you should be, because it’s a question.

I get asked a lot as a person who is helping people create a business and bring a brand forward. Please spend some time with the brand expert. And really make sure that from their, the free content they’re providing that you’re resonating and that you’re already learning from them because to work with a brand strategist is not cheap, nor should it be.

It shouldn’t be cheap. You want to have someone who really knows what they’re doing, right. Because like you said, when you really get it right, you get it. Right. So I just, I love the fact that you’ve given people. This really beautiful, aligned way to start discovering who they are so that they are bringing the work forward and being willing to be visible and be seen and be heard in a way that’s true to their own voice and to what they’re.

You know, really supposed to be doing so that they’re not going back to it six months from now, when I started branding that, like I was laughing on the inside when you were saying that, cuz I was like, oh my God, how many times have I done this? Like, my can account is just a total abomination. Like, well now it’s better.

But back then, I’m just like, oh my God, I have just, and it was just what you were saying. I didn’t know how I wanted to show up, you know, mm-hmm I didn’t know what I was quote unquote, supposed to. Doing to brand. Right? Mm-hmm because I had never heard anybody go, oh, your brand’s who you are. It’s your beliefs.

It’s your, why? It’s the work you’re called to do. And then after that, we figure out the rest of it, you know, all the other stuff that we typically think of. So, yeah. Yeah. I think it’s incredibly normal to have those like

Kaye: awkward teenage years in your business building. it’s almost a Rite of passage. I definitely

Heather Alice: had them.

Yeah. Yeah. It totally happens,

Kaye: but it doesn’t have

Heather Alice: to be years and years

Kaye: of that, like often we can make that much shorter with being more intentional.

Heather Alice: Yeah. So what advice would you give someone who is ready to tackle this? I am going to bring my authentic brand forward. What advice would you give for ’em or to them?

Kaye: Yeah, I would remind them that there are tools and we’ve been talking extensively about one very fantastic one.

Heather Alice: And then.

Kaye: To also recognize that you have the ultimate veto power. So even when you’re leaning into tools like my quiz, or, you know, there’s other options out there potentially, but if you’re getting triggered by your results, which happens sometimes

Heather Alice: really, oh, cool.

Kaye: Lean into that. Like lean into whatever your results are. Like, if you agree with him or if you don’t and figure out what that means. Maybe you are, or maybe you have been showing up as the caregiver, for example, for a really long time. And you have felt some like dissonance between you and how you’re showing.

And the caregiver comes up high, cuz you just have been in that habit for so long. So it’s not the be all and end all the results of the quiz, but it’s a really great starting place. So I recommend that people lean into that. They get some Intel poke around at the other archetypes to see if any of ’em resonate with you more.

And then. Start to audit what you’ve been doing up to this point. Are you in alignment

Heather Alice: with what is

Kaye: true for you or are you showing up in a completely different way and perhaps giving people some confusion or just uncertainty about what you stand for with the choices that you’ve been making up to that point?

It’s not an easy process. It’s an iterative process where you’re looking at literally every touchpoint where somebody comes into contact with your brand and paying attention to the most important ones, first, whatever those are for you and making sure that you’re showing up in a way that is authentically you and not a mask or some should, that you’ve been embodying

Heather Alice: or maybe even a want.

Yeah, like when I went through all of them, I noticed for myself that I felt a little guilt. For not being the caregiver. Mm-hmm because as a healer and a coach, I have it in my head that I should be like, my personality should be more like that. And so I know it’s just what you’re saying. You have to kind of look at.

And be willing to see what resonates and what doesn’t. And, you know, I was like, oh, I guess I am the Sage. I’m like, but I don’t wanna be a no at all. Cuz I had it in my head that sages were no at all. And I’m like, no, Heather, you’re a Sage. It’s just, you’re here to that. That is you through and through. I thought my first would be the Maverick and it’s not.

So I love what you’re saying. It’s like, you know, pay attention to how you’re feeling, you know, the pushback or the pull that you’re feeling to any one of them. That’s really, really powerful too. And also, I guess maybe a part of the process of figuring out how you wanna show up. It really is. I really think what you’ve done is you’ve created a self-help course and the form of the brand quiz.

Like my, my clients, you get a great brand.

Kaye: some of my clients call me the more of a brand

Heather Alice: therapist than a brand strategist. Really? You are no, you really are. Like, I love that. That’s so true. And I’m saying this as a classically trained mental health therapist and your quiz, like full disclosure, totally inspired my quiz on my website.

So I love

Kaye: the structure that you put together.

Heather Alice: Yeah. I’m like, oh my God, this girl’s quiz is killing it. So I said, I’ve gotta have a quiz. And so you really inspired me to help my audience figure out, you know, how they show up in the world, you know, kind of how they orient towards their own, the healing work that they bring in.

So this is just. There’s a thousand different ways that we can go about stepping into the truth of who we are and then creating a business that lets people experience that. So, um, okay. So thank you so much. Kay. You can find K on Instagram at K Putnam and also her website. K Putnam. Her name is spelled K a Y E.

P U T N a M. So please go check her out. We’re gonna do links to all the things you guys. So check, show notes. We’ll do a link to the quiz, her Insta, and I really want to, from truly the bottom of my heart, I wanna encourage you all to please go take her brand quiz because it is absolutely helped me bring up Monica to life.

I’m not just like plugging this because Kay’s on the show. She’s on the show because. The work she’s doing is really helping me build my own brand. So get your ass over to her page and take her brand quiz. . Yes. Thank you. Thank you so much

Kaye: for having me. This was such a

Heather Alice: pleasure. I had so much fun. Yeah.

Thank you. And I’ll have you back. If you don’t mind, I’ll have you back on. Okay. Cool. Okay. Let’s wrap up with three quick things. So my intention for this podcast is to be of impactful service to you. And one of the ways that I can tell how well I’m doing that is by reading honest reviews of the pod. So the reviews really allow me to see the topics and the ideas that are resonating with you.

The most. So I would be forever honored and grateful if you would leave a review on iTunes for the show. And I get super excited every time a review comes in, because it helps me stay in my purpose. And in my intention of supporting the coaches and entrepreneurs out there doing the heavy lifting of helping other people heal and expand and grow.

So if it feels aligned, go to Heatheraliceshea.com/podcast, and show me some love by leaving me. Built review and to express my gratitude each week, I read the names of everyone who leaves a review as a thank you to you for helping this podcast thrive. And speaking of showing the love, did you know that I make 100% free tip sheets for almost every episode on this podcast?

Why? Yes I do. So you can go to Heatheraliceshae.com/podcast, tip sheets, and enter in your name and best email address. And I will send you over a page link where you can download them all into your little heart is content. And the third and final thing is that I get. Emails each week asking how to begin the process of becoming an intuitive coach or from existing coaches and therapists who would like to begin applying intuition in their sessions.

So if you are interested or you feel called and would just like to explore, uh, the services that we offer over atmana coaching academy, then just head over to my website@heatheraliceshea.com and check out our different offerings for coaches and creatives, who would like to explore intuitive development, business development.

Or both. So that is it for this episode. My lovely, remember, you are more powerful than you can possibly imagine. So step into your greatness and stay after it.
