Ep33: The 5 Keys to Quickly Cultivating Expert Status

Aug 11, 2020

Heavy squats, Mexican restaurants, and cultivating experts status – how are all these related? In this episode, we’ll discover what these three have in common and how these can help you cultivate your expert status with your clients!

Just a few weeks ago, I got my knee busted while doing heavy squats like I’m still in my 20’s and it swelled like a water balloon. A few Xrays and MRI’s later, I was told by my doctor that he needs to “drain” the fluid. I resisted. I absolutely did not want to go through the procedure but my doctor convinced me to do it and my knee instantly felt better. So how did he get me from being apprehensive to being convinced that having my knee drained is the only way to help my knee heal?

Because he had taken the time to cultivate the “Expert” status in my mind.

And in this podcast episode, we get to dive into how you can quickly cultivate the expert status with your clients with just five keys. We get to distinguish the difference between these keys and how each of these keys plays a part in cultivating expert status in your practice as a coach. I also get to share the best actions to help you develop your expertise and feel more confident.

Are you ready to become an expert and help your clients on a deeper level? Then listen in and enjoy!

Soul Stirring Quotes

“When you embrace, understand, and embody the 5 keys of cultivating your expert status, you can help your clients far deeper and far more meaningfully.”

“Your ability to affect change gets easier when your clients perceive you and relate to you as an authority, see you as credible, and they like, know, and trust you.”

“Your clients see you as an authority when they see other people who do what you do respect and listen to you.”

“Help your clients see the part of you that overlaps a part of them.”

“Credibility is speaking your truth and doing so with sincerity coming from your soul.”

“Likeable people are genuinely interested in other people more than they are themselves.”

“The key to trust is reliability and consistency.”

Episode Timecodes:

  • 0:50 Heather shares a story about her favorite Mexican restaurant and how it relates to this episode in cultivating your expert status.

  • 2:59 The five keys that will help you create expert status, and why you need to know everything about these keys.

  • 4:58 Authority – being recognized as a professional and is respected by other members of your field.

  • 6:52 Credibility – being honest and speaking your truth.

  • 8:42 Likeability – making people feel good about themselves.

  • 12:00 Know – help your clients see the part of you that overlaps a part of them.

  • 13:59 Trust – being trustworthy, consistent, and reliable.

  • 16:20 Heather shares her knee story and how her doctor convinced her that her swollen knee needs to get drained.

  • 19:20 Heather’s invitation that can help you cultivate the expert status as a coach.

Links Mentioned:

Connect with Heather

Email: hello@heatheraliceshea.com

Timezone: America/New_York

Website: heatheraliceshea.com


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Episode Transcript:

Heavy squats, Mexican restaurants. And cultivating expert status. You’re about to find out what all three of these things have in common and crush it in five simple steps. Welcome to the everyday intuitive podcast. I’m your host, Heather Alice SHA intuitive life coach trainer status quo, shaker and founder of op Monica coaching academy.

Listen in each week to break up with your comfort zone claim your self confidence and radically embrace your role as an intuitive healer mentor. Sought after coach let’s get within and get after it. Hey, ah, mano, today we are talking about the five keys to quickly cultivate expert status with your beautiful, wonderful clients that you are here to serve.

So there is a Mexican restaurant. Right around the corner from my house, it’s called KPAA and it’s in a strip mall and you cannot get into this place. It is absolutely impossible to go there and get a margarita. The food is incredible. The service is fantastic. The drinks are great, and it is an hour and a half.

Wait, every time I want to go there, but here’s something interesting about this re. on either side of it are other restaurants and there’s never anyone in them. You have an entire, like litter of humans who are willing to wait 90 minutes for their margarita. While they could just pop on either side of this restaurant and walk in to the Mediterranean place next to it.

And I don’t even know what type of restaurant is on the other side of it. See, it’s that unmemorable I don’t even know what it is. All I know is I’m waiting 90 minutes for me to get myself. So Mexican food at Cape Pasa. Here’s my point. How are they pulling that off? How is K Ossa pulling that off? Well, they’re doing it because they’ve cultivated these five keys and the minds of their customers.

And I want you to. Learn what those five things are so that you can become the go to coach, just like this K PAA is the go to restaurant. If you want Mexican, that’s where you’re going and you’re gonna wait for it, but that’s okay too. I want you to get that it factor that wow. Factor that, Hey, I’ll wait in line factor because I know it’s gonna be so, so, so.

Good. And here’s, what’s great about this. When you embrace these five things, when you really learn what each of them are, how they’re different from one another and how you show up really embodying these five keys, you can really. Help your clients in a way that’s far deeper, far more meaningful, not only in terms of your enrollment process, right?

Like as you are having conversations with people to help them become clients of yours, but also while you’re in the coaching relationship. So here are the five keys that really help you create expert status in no time. Okay. It’s authority. Credibility, like know and trust. I’m gonna say ’em again, write ’em down unless you’re driving authority, credibility.

Like know and trust. So what I wanna do is we’re gonna run through all five of these things, and it’s important for you to understand not only what they are, but what they aren’t, and that the nuance to differences between these five things, because they are very separate and distinct factors that you cultivate in a person’s mind.

So you can think of these five things as the way your potential clients see. The way they perceive you. When you have these five things going, when your clients perceive you and see you and relate to you as an authority, they see you as credible. They like you, they know you and they trust you. Your sales skyrocket and your ability to affect change in that person’s life.

As a coach, as a healer, everything gets easier because the person has, they are able to let down their psychological defense systems enough for them to really just be able to have a relationship with you. So a lot of people talk about expert status through the lens of, you know, selling and enrolling.

And I certainly think that’s important, but I also think what we fail to do too, is understand that these five factors are ever present within the coaching relationship as well. Right. We need to be continually embodying these five factors. Even when the person, you know, is a paid client, even when they are finished with their, you know, coaching contract with us, we’ve helped them.

We’ve moved the needle on their success. They’re out in the world on their Merry way. These five factors still are important. Okay. So let’s jump in authority. What does it mean to be in authority? Being an authority means that you are recognized as a professional who possesses great depth of knowledge in your field and who is respected and trusted by other members of your field.

Right? So other coaches find you to be a person who possesses knowledge in that field, right? Being an authority means that you are recognized as a master player among your professional peers. okay. That is how you develop authority. It’s your clients see you as an authority because they see other people who do what you do respecting you listening to you, right?

So this is really the power of authority. It means that you know what it is that you are talking about, because what you say has been proven over time to be accurate, useful, and helpful by other experts. That’s authority. Okay. So how do we cultivate authority? Well, we dedicate ourselves. To the true art of our craft.

You know, this requires you to really engage in continual education on whatever type of coaching it is. You do, you know, if you are a relationship coach, it means you’re constantly diving into the latest and greatest ideas and notions and theories with respect to cultivating great relat. If you are a spiritual teacher, it means that you are continually diving deeper into the truth that you impart to your clients.

Right? If you’re a health coach, it means that you’re out there, you know, researching and looking at the latest and greatest and, and putting that into a framework that makes sense to other coaches and to your clients. Right? So it’s keeping that depth of knowledge that you possess fresh. Number two, credibility.

So, what does credibility mean? Credibility means that you are honest in your dealings with other people. I think sometimes people get authority and credibility mixed up credibility means that you’re honest, you can be believed. not only because you are an authority, right? The information you possess is accurate, but because you personally do not use that information to mislead misuse or misrepresent yourself in any way.

In other words, you don’t lie or exaggerate to fulfill an agenda. You speak your truth. If you say something, people can trust that it’s the truth or it’s the truth from your perspective anyway. Right? That you’re doing the best you can to honestly impart the wisdom that you do possess. So in basic terms, people know that they can believe you because they know that you know what you’re talking about.

And they know that when you speak, you are doing so with sincerity coming from your soul. So that’s a credible person. It’s Hey, I know this person isn’t bullshitting me. basically that’s credibility. And how do we garner credibility? Well, we endeavor to do what we. To say what we’re going to do and then do it.

We endeavor to speak, truthfully, if we misspeak or we, you know, don’t honor a commitment or if we fall off, if we misstep in any way, then we say, we’re sorry. We openly admit that we present a way of how we’re gonna make it better. Right. We’re just real. With the fact that we’re human and that we’re doing the best that we can do.

And credibility really comes from that place. Nobody expects you or me or anybody else to be perfect, but what we do wanna see what credible people do really well is that they’ll own it when they do misstep and endeavor to make it right. number three is like likability. This is the whole, like you see it in politics all the time.

Which politician do you wanna go have a beer with? Right. Which I think is a ridiculous thing to ask for, you know, a politician or a person who’s gonna hold high office. But that speaks to the power of likability. Likable people possess the unique quality of making other people feel good about themselves.

That’s the key to likability. It’s not so much that you’re likable it’s that you present yourself. You show up in the world in a way that helps other people feel liked, feel seen, feel heard. So likable people serve as a type of mirror. They know how to bring out the best in people and in turn others feel good about themselves.

And then as a consequence of that, about you, because in your presence, they feel good about who they are. Right. And they walk away from the encounter going, gosh, she’s just so great. Or, oh man, he’s just a nice person when really all we’re doing is mirroring to them that we see them. Right. So likable people are genuinely interested in other people more than they are themselves, which is why people like them.

They feel seen and they feel heard likable people tend to ask a lot of questions. Likable people celebrate other people and their wins. Then they are genuinely excited when they watch other people win. Coaches are naturally likable because these are qualities that most coaches naturally possessed.

Right. Likable people are non-judgmental, they’re very empathic. They’re compassionate. They, for the most part have incredibly agreeable personalities and almost instantly disarm like even the most hardened cynic, because you just feel good when you’re around them. Right. So that’s likability in play.

Think about it like this. If you don’t like a person, even if they’re the most qualified, most best asbestos, whatever it is that they do. You’re not gonna wanna be around them. So it doesn’t matter. Right. You could have all the degrees behind your name. You could be the best coach in the world, but if people don’t like you and they don’t feel like you like.

It’s over man game over. So likability is huge. And the key to it is just be the mirror, you know, as you encounter people, be genuinely interested in them. Be curious. And I always say this. I truly believe that every human being you meet is the most fascinating person. In the world because everyone is this deep well of mystery and you could spend your whole life talking to one individual.

And if you were really paying attention and really asking questions, you’d never get to the bottom of ’em. I’m totally fascinated. By humans. Like every last one of us, we’re just like the most interesting little creatures. And if you can approach your relationships with people like that, it’s strange how much people will really like you and wanna be around you.

And you don’t even do it by trying to be likable. Right? Like you don’t need to charm anybody. It doesn’t have to come from a place like that. It’s really just like, Hey, I’m just really interested in getting to know you. And in doing that, you develop that likability factor. Number four is no people need to feel that they know you.

Right. And this is a toughy man. What growing up, my mother would always say, honey, you never know somebody. You never know somebody now do you. And that was her way of saying like, people constantly surprise you because we are these deep mysteries even into ourselves. Right. It’s hard to really. Get to know someone it’s hard to really actually feel, you know, someone, you know, especially when we grow up with the adages of don’t talk to strangers and stay away from people you don’t, you know, we’re taught to feel like if we don’t know someone really well, they’re kind of the, the scary other.

And from an evolutionary perspective, we’re really taught from a very early age to not engage with people. We don’t know. So on the one hand we have this cultural conditioning that says, if you don’t know, ’em, they’re, you know, stranger danger. And on the other hand, when you do think, you know, somebody, my gosh, any minute, they’re gonna pop up and do some crazy shit you weren’t expecting.

And then your whole life turns upside down. Cause you’re like, I thought I knew you, right? so, you know, So it is very true that our clients need to feel that they know us. And so the no factor cultivating this with your client is really the ability to help people see the parts of you that overlap and are similar with the parts of them and so that they can identify with you in that way.

So they can see you as a part of their, in. Right. Oh, you like KPAA too. You like that? Mexican restaurant with the great margaritas too. Oh, me too. Oh man. You hate cold weather too. Me too. I hate cold weather too. You and me were the same. Oh, I feel, I know you now, right? The part of me that feels familiar overlaps with a part of you that is familiar.

Right? So in basic terms, no factor says. I know you because you and I are the same. That’s kind of how that factor works. And then trust is the key to trust is being, it’s two things, really, if you wanna cultivate trust with someone, I think credibility, you know, if you’re not being credible, if you’re not being honest, then trust is going to almost be impossible to cultivate.

But assuming you’ve got, you know, you are honest in your dealings. You’ve got high credibility with someone. Trust comes down to two things. It’s reliability and consistency. Those are really the key to cultivating trust with a person. So being trustworthy means that you can be relied upon to do what you say you’re gonna do consistently over long periods of time.

So reliability you are going to do it. And then consistency means, and you keep showing up doing that over a period of time, which makes me trust you. I know you’re not a one hit wonder, right? You’re stable. You’re there. People know you’re not going anywhere. I always say that with my clients when I do, you know, discovery calls and they’re like, ah, you know, I don’t know.

And I’m like, dude, I’m not going anywhere. It’s fine. you can, we’re here. I’m here. Right. We’re here to support you. There’s this is a foundational place for you to come and land. So trustworthy people are very reliable, consistent, and stable, and they do not let external circumstances dictate their actions or weaken their commitments and their responsibilities to their clients.

Trustworthy people are full of integrity. They’re very clear on their moral principles and they are willing to sacrifice a great deal to stay in alignment with those truths. So trustworthiness can play out in your business in many different ways. It can play out as look, you know, you say you’re gonna email people once a week, then you need to be emailing people once a week.

You say that you are going to do, you know, a Facebook live in your Facebook group every Wednesday at 12:00 PM. Well, then you need to be doing that, right? So it’s about being very, very clear on what it is you’re going to do, and then doing it reliably and consistently. Over time. Okay. So, you know, I also wanna share another story on this really quick that I think that I’ve experienced here recently that really encapsulates the power of having these five factors, authority, credibility, like no interest.

Recently I blew my knee out at the gym doing heavy squats because I’m a Glu for punishment. And I. I’m still under some wild, insane premise that I’m like 20. Um, you know, so I’m at the gym doing heavy lifting and I really, really hurt my knee really bad. And it actually swelled up. Like for the first time in my life, my knee was filled with like fluid.

It was absolutely insane. And I am not a big fan of the doctor. If you know anything about my awakening experience, I, you know, suffered with a chronic illness for years and it is just not my favorite place to be is in a doctor’s office. I haven’t had. Fun with that. so I sort of avoid it at all costs. So finally, after, you know, a week of icy, hot and cold compresses, I realized this thing just wasn’t gonna go away.

So I went into my doctor. and, you know, four x-rays and an MRI later, he’s like, yeah, we’re gonna have to drain your knee. Everything’s fine. There’s no structural damage. You just need to stay off of it, but I need to drain your knee. And I’m like, what the hell do you mean drain my knee? And he’s like, we need to put a needle in there and pull out all the fluid.

I’m like, okay. First of all, gross. And second of all, what the hell are you talking about? Like, I , I am trying to not let you do that to my knee. I mean, I was like, Flipping out because I do not, I just, I don’t want that happening to me, but I will tell you this, I let him do it. I let him do it because I trust him.

I believe him. He’s likable, he’s knowable, he’s credible in my eyes. And he’s an absolute authority. The practice that he’s in is, you know, one of the best here where I live and he also does appreciate a holistic approach. So, you know, I let him do it right then and there. And that’s so not really the way that I operate because in my past experiences, I.

Just flat out, listen to doctors and that didn’t work out well for me in doing that. So I tend to be much more cautionary when I receive medical advice, but with him, I had no problem letting him stick a needle in my leg and pull out like. I don’t even know it was a lot. He was like, Hey man, you’re not taking the prize, but you’re definitely ranking.

Like, it definitely needed to happen. And of course I feel much better and he was right. His expertise was exactly what I needed, but that just shows you the power of these five factors that even when you’re dealing with someone. You know, in that example, I was a resistant client, right? I’m a resistant patient.

I don’t wanna listen. You know, I, I’m a person who kind of has her own mind about things. And within a couple of minutes, he was able to get me to do what I needed to do to help myself heal, which was, you know, allow him to do this minor procedure. And I thought, oh man, that is authority. Credibility. Like no.

And trust in action. And I’m really grateful for him for, you know, my doctor to have taken the time to cultivate that with me as his patient, which is so rare nowadays in the world that you know, that you don’t just feel like a number. And so. What a powerful Testament to what you can create with your clients as you move forward in your coaching practice.

So I want you just to spend a little time thinking about how you can begin to embody these five factors and implement some of the tips here that I’ve given you in terms of cultivating all five of these. And if you would like to learn more. About how to become an intuitive coach. I’m gonna send you over to my website, Heather Alice shade.com/become an intuitive coach where you can learn all about how you can begin to incorporate really this and all of the strategies that cutting edge coaching, especially intuitive coaching is now offering the world.

So good luck with these. Thanks for listening. And I’ll see you in the next. Okay, let’s wrap up with three quick things. So my intention for this podcast is to be of impactful service to you. And one of the ways that I can tell how well I’m doing that is by reading honest reviews of the pod. So the reviews really allow me to see the topics and the ideas that are resonating with you.

The most. So I would be forever honored and grateful if you would leave a review on iTunes for the show. And I get super excited every time a review comes in, because it helps me stay in my purpose. And in my intention of supporting the coaches and entrepreneurs out there doing the heavy lifting of helping other people heal and expand and grow.

So if it feels aligned, go to Heather ahe.com/podcast, and show me some love by leaving me. Built review and to express my gratitude each week, I read the names of everyone who leaves a review as a thank you to you for helping this podcast thrive. And speaking of showing the love, did you know that I make 100% free tip sheets for almost every episode on this podcast?

Why? Yes I do. So you can go to Heatheraliceshea.com/podcast, tip sheets, and enter in your name and best email address. And I will send you over a page link where you can download them all into your little heart is content. And the third and final thing is that I get emails each week asking how to begin the process of becoming an intuitive coach or from existing coaches and therapists who would like to begin applying intuition in their session.

So, if you are interested or you feel called and would just like to explore, uh, the services that we offer over at Monica coaching academy, then just head over to my website@heatheraliceshea.com and check out our different offerings for coaches and creatives, who would like to explore intuitive development, business development.

Or both. So that is it for this episode. My lovely, remember, you are more powerful than you can possibly imagine. So step into your greatness and stay after it.