Ep40: Behind the Scenes: Numbers & Lessons in my 100K Launch

Nov 17, 2020

Guess what? Atmana has reached one of our goals- to have a 100K Launch! It was truly an epic ride, and I’ve learned tons of lessons from it.

  1. Eat the elephant one bite at a time: In other words, make attainable but ambitious goals.

    • This means allowing yourself to learn and grow into what you don’t know, while still shooting for your highest vision of what you would like to create in your practice. Doing this helps you in two ways. First, it helps you relax and give yourself permission to experiment and try new things, quality of every successful person and business, and 2nd, it helps you enjoy the process of growing. Doing this sets you up for success because not only will you be more likely to hit your goal, you’ll have fun along the way which will keep you in the game longer and the long game is where you make the most soul-inspired impact and meaningful money.

      1. Example: We only spend about 1000 on ads for our launch, why? Because I know that ramping up and dialing in ads is a massive undertaking

  2. Quantify Qualify Quantify your A and Z: What do I mean by that? Have a clear idea of what your desired end result looks like and WHY you want it. What is it about this goal that makes you want it? What will this goal do for you? This also means that you have to have a clear idea of where you are in relation to what you’re trying to accomplish. A great example of this is going on a road trip. Let’s say you want your destination to be San Diego. In order to map your journey there, you need to what city you’re in right now. You have to know where your beginning in order to know the exact Rhodes you need to take to make it to San Diego. I know this sounds like common sense but you would be shocked at how many people fail to accomplish their goals not because they aren’t capable of achieving them, or didn’t have the appropriate resources or knowledge on how to get there, but because they didn’t have a clear idea of exactly where they’re starting out from so that they could create a viable and cohesive plan.

  3. Fill in B-Y: Now that you know where you’re starting from and where you’re ending, you need to fill in to be through why. What do I mean by this? Well, you need to have a step-by-step idea of how you are going to bring your offer to the market. There are literally thousands of ways to do this, but I’m going to give you the basics of it right here just so that you can check a few boxes in terms of getting the corn nuts and bolts down. in order to launch almost any new offer, you will need the following.

    • An opt-in page that outlines your free event. You will use this free event to Invite people to your offer.

      1. a thank you page that your future client land on after they opted in letting them know that they are registered.

        1. You will need to send them an email with participant information.

    • A sales page for your offer. The sales page will need to list your clients’ main problems as well as their hopes, and then detail exactly what your program components are with a compelling call to action throughout the page urging them to take the leap and enroll.

    • Enrollment Page: This is basically your order form on how clients and roll with you.

    • Emails emails emails. There are three basic types of emails you will need to send. Invitation emails, promo emails, and offer emails. The invitation emails encourage your client to register for the workshop, the promo emails are the nurture emails that you send to the people who are on your Workshop list that are encouraging them to and roll, and then your offer emails are a straight call to actions letting your clients know the details of your program and the close date.

    • Other marketing collateral. He will need graphics for all your events, and I strongly recommend creating a workbook that outlines the Salient points of your Workshop so that your participants can see in real-time how powerful it would be to work with you. And the results that they would be able to get when they do so.

  4. Know Your Numbers: Here are some numbers to know in your launch. The average conversion rate for anyone given an offer made is between 2%-3%. I like to be super conservative and factor in a conversion rate of 2%. In my last launch, I had a conversion rate of 2.34%. So you can start with a 2% conversion rate and then work your way backward. But how do you know what numbers to track to make sure that you can get that 2%. Here is a basic outline of what you need to be keeping your eyes on during your launch.

    • The number of people you have registered for your free training or event from which you will “make the pitch.”

    • The number of people who attend live or on replay: How many show up? And who shows up? Be sure to track this. For those who do not show up live, encourage them to watch on replay. And yes, you need to offer a replay. Remember to email all attendees of the replay and encourage people who did not attend live to watch the replay. Another tip to increase attendance is to let your participants know that the replay will be taken down at a certain date. Meaning, make access to your event time-sensitive.

    • The number of people who stay on until the end. Remember, your clients can’t enroll with you if they don’t listen long enough to hear your offer. if you want to get really specific, at the 10-minute Mark at the beginning of your event, make note of how many participants you have. And then compare that with how many you have at the end. This will give you a data-driven idea of how engaging the content you are presenting is to your clients. if you noticed that a lot of people show up, but not a lot stay on to the end, you might need to tweak your presentation.

    • Enrollment number. 2%

    The beauty of knowing these numbers is that it makes setting goals much easier. Do you want 10 people in your program? You need 500 registrants. Want 20 people in your program? You need 1000 registrants. Now, I don’t want to sound callous. I do not believe that selling is a numbers game only. But if you don’t wrap your head around some type of data-driven goal, you are not going to be able to understand what you need to be doing in terms of execution to hit the enrollment numbers you want so that you can serve the soldier here to serve.

Soul Stirring Quotes

“Your soul demands that you not only reach your goal, and the process you use is in alignment with your mission and your work.”

“It is the fundamentals that we focus on that make us successful.”

“Make attainable and ambitious goals.”

“Allow yourself to learn and grow into what you don’t know while still shooting for your highest vision of what you like to create.”

“There’s nothing wrong with recognizing where you are at now in your business.”

“You need to have a step by step idea of how you’re going to bring your offer to the market.”

“I believe that if we are serving in our purpose, your client enrolling with you just feels like a natural and logical step.”

“Go for that launch, 90% done.”

Episode Timecodes:

  • 0:26 Heather gives her reason why she is sharing how she made her 100K launch.

  • 2:45 Heather’s invitation to understand and know that goals are hit at the right time.

  • 4:55 The Four Main Points of launching your 100k.

  • 5:15 Eat the Elephant one Bite at a Time.

  • 7:05 Heather shares her experience in launching and recognizing what she can only do.

  • 10:12 Quantify, Quantify, Quantify Your A and Z.

  • 14:30 Fill in your B to Y.

  • 14:40 Heather shares the nuts and bolts of how you can bring your offer to your market.

  • 20:45 Know Your Numbers

  • 27:12 Heather’s invitation for you to think which of the steps you are doing in your business now.

  • 28:45 Heather shares her story on what she did on her first product launch.

Links Mentioned:

Connect with Heather

Email: hello@heatheraliceshea.com

Timezone: America/New_York

Website: heatheraliceshea.com


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Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the everyday intuitive podcast. I’m your host, Heather Alice Shea intuitive life coach trainer status quo, shaker and founder of Atmana Coaching Academy. Listen in each week to break up with your comfort zone claim your self confidence and radically embrace your role as an intuitive healer mentor and sought after coach let’s get within and get after.

Hey, intuitives welcome back to this show today. We are talking about the behind the scenes numbers and lessons from our most recent 100 K plus launch. Before I begin, I want to. Just take a minute to say how incredibly surreal it is to even be doing an episode like this. As I was preparing for the show, writing out my deepest soulful insights, I couldn’t help, but reminisce about past Heather, you know, seven years ago when I started my business and how utterly impossible hitting a, you know, a six K launch felt to me.

It just felt so far away. It felt like something that only other people were capable of. And as I sit here and record this now and share it with you, I have so much grace and compassion for that version of me that. Is, you know, truly sitting back and awe going, Hey, how did you do it? So I offer that to you for a couple of reasons.

The first is that if you are still working your way into having your first really financially successful launch, or if you haven’t hit, you know, that six figure mark in your business yet, I want you to know this about achieving that. Because so many people in the coaching industry right now talk about a six-figure business.

And it’s almost to the point to where it’s, it’s pretty exhausting and almost annoying at this point that everybody talks about it. So my intention with the episode is to give you some hard numbers and, uh, really kind of a data driven approach and. Some very basic fundamental strategy behind how, uh, six figure launches like this really happen.

So there’s a lot of coaches who talk about strategy. There’s a lot of coaches who talk about, um, you know, tactics and funnels and all the things to get you there. But very, very few, I think talk about the soft skills of what it really takes. And then, and then conversely. You know, the numbers you need to be tracking and what you need to be thinking about in terms of planning, you know, timelines, conversion rates, all of that.

I’m gonna give you that today on how we did it within our company. So the first thing I wanna do is invite you to understand and know that everyone in their business hits these goals at just the right. You know, for me, it took several years, you know, for me to be able to pull it off. Because if there’s one thing I know about, intuitives like, you it’s that your soul absolutely demands that you not only reach your goals, but that the process you use on the way there is one that’s really in alignment.

With the mission and the work that you’re calling forward. So you have an extra layer of accomplishment that you are really going for as a soul-based entrepreneur. Okay. Anybody can get up and Hawk product and make money. That’s not what you’re doing. You’re running a purpose first. Profit next practice.

Okay. That’s what we do here at atmana we put our clients first. We put purpose first, knowing that profit and success naturally flows from that. So I want to invite you to understand that if you aren’t there yet, trust me, sister, or sir, you will. And on that day, you’re gonna look back and you’re gonna say, I’m so proud of you and thank goodness you didn’t quit and thank goodness that you stuck it out and you believed in yourself.

Okay. So whether you’re just starting you’re practice and you’re bright eyed and bushy-tailed, and you know, you’re ripping and ran and ready to go, or you’re a seasoned entrepreneur and you’re, you know, you’re in the grind and you’re overwhelmed and you’re just sick of all. Shit that goes along with running a business.

I want you to listen to this episode and feel renewed in the fundamentals. Okay. I really believe, well, actually I really know, you know, the, the multiple six and seven figure business owners that I know that I mastermind with, that I hang out with. All of them will tell you that it is the fundamental holes that we focus on that really make us successful.

So I wanna present some of those fundamentals for you here today. And we are going to go over some numbers and some lessons behind this launch. And I have four main points that I’m gonna go over as we move through the episode and those points are eat the elephant one bite at a time. Quantify, quantify, quantify.

Your a and your Z fill in B through Y and know your numbers. So let’s tackle the first one, eat the elephant one bite at a time. What do I mean by that? I want you to make attainable and ambitious goals. Your goals need to be attainable, but they also need to be ambitious. Okay. So what I see new coaches do is they either their goals are either too small or too big.

The danger of a too small goal is you’re not demanding and asking yourself to grow enough, to really hit a benchmark that allows you to level up, right. You’re just making too small of a step. And then the danger of the two big goal. The two ambitious goal is you’re really setting yourself up to fail because true success and growth is truly done.

Iteratively. I understand that we can, that exponential growth is real, you know, that we can grow in multipliers, not, you know, through sums I get it, but. When you are just starting out, when you are trying to master those fundamentals, if you’re not already running a six-figure business where you have your offer down, you know how to articulate the value of it, you know, you’ve got your systems, your operational systems on the back end, you know, how you onboard, you know, how you deliver.

You’ve got your marketing pretty much nailed if you’re not sitting saying yes to all of that, then you need to eat the elephant one bite at a. Okay, so you need to have one foot being reasonable, kind of being logical, you know, asking yourself, Hey man, can I really do this? You know? And then the other one on the other hand, you need to be saying, hell yeah, I can, let’s go big.

Right. So there’s a sweet spot there. And I want you to find it. So this means allowing yourself to learn and grow into what you don’t know while still shooting for your highest vision of what you would like to create in your practice and doing this really helps you in two ways. The first is it helps you relax and it gives yourself, gives you permission to experiment and try new things, which is a quality that every successful person in life and business really needs to have.

And second, it really does help you enjoy the process of grow. and doing this sets you up for success because not only will you be more likely to hit your goal. If you eat this elephant one bite at a time, you’re gonna have fun along the way, which is going to do something for you. That is so underrated that I just wish more people would talk about it.

If you’re not having fun in your business, you’re not gonna stay in the game. You’re gonna want to quit. You’re gonna wanna give up. Okay. So fun in your business, staying connected to your. Still allowing the process, not only hitting the goal, but the process of achieving your goal, still allowing that to fuel you.

It’s really what is going to give you an edge as you step up into the market to create more so inspired impact and meaningful money on the way. So I’ll give you an example of this. From my last launch, I only spent about a thousand dollars on Facebook ads for our launch. We ran a incredibly basic Facebook ads campaign.

Why, why didn’t we go out and dump, you know, 5,000, $10,000 in ads? Well, because I know that ramping up and dialing in ads is a massive. Undertaking. And I knew that I’m just not ready for that yet. Okay. The offer that I was putting together, our last launch, we had a new free masterclass. It’s called live your purpose, launch your practice.

We are actually ramping up for our next one. So if you would like to get registered for that, please do so in the show notes, I’ll leave a link or you can visit Heather che.com/intuitive coach. Launch in order to do so, but I knew that I would have my hands full doing great delivery of that content, you know, really putting together the mechanics of that free event.

So I didn’t want overwhelmed myself. I know that eventually I will get to a point to where I’m dropping some cash and having a pretty sophisticated ad budget and also add funnel to find and reach all of the beautiful souls that Opana is called to serve. But I wasn’t ready. Right too big of a bite. So there’s nothing wrong with recognizing where you are at and being in that space, challenging yourself in the ways that are going to actually help grow your business.

And if you haven’t figured out right now, what’s that thing, purpose and service, right? Always focus on that first, delivering a quality experience to your client, really helping connect your client to their power, to their purpose, to the outcome that they are. Really wanting you to help them create in their life, which brings me to my second point, quantify, quantify, quantify your a and Z.

What do I mean by that? You need to have a clear idea of what your desired end result looks like and why you want. And you also need to have a very, very clear, very sober minded, very honest idea of where you are starting at right now and the resources available to you right now. Okay. So this is about really understanding your goal and then where you’re at relative to that goal.

So let’s take quantifying your Z first. What is it about this goal that makes you want. why do you think you want this goal? What do you think achieving this is going to do for you? So for example, in our last launch, you know, we wanted a, a six figure launch and we hit our goal, but why, why that number?

Why not a $50,000 launch? Why not a $500,000 launch? Why did I pick that number? Well, I picked it because I wanted to double from my last. I wanted to see if I could do it within a specific timeframe. So we did this in about five to six weeks. There were specific reasons why I chose that number, both for personal reasons and professional reasons.

So it’s important to understand why the number don’t just go. Well, I think I want it to be. You know, X really ask yourself, what is it that this number this goal is going to do for me? How is it going to change things or what’s my perception of what it’s going to change. And you’ll be surprised at how you might revise or modify your goal based on this level of self-reflection.

So once you have a really clear idea of the number you wanna hit and the number of people you want to. You really need to say, okay, let me just take it down to brass tax. Where am I at right now in relation to that goal? So a great analogy for this is let’s say you wanna go on a road trip. And you know that your destination is San Diego.

You wanna drive to San Diego. Well, in order to map out your journey there, to know how many days it’s gonna take, how many pit stops you’re gonna take, what you need to pack along the way, how much food do you need to bring? You need to know what city you’re starting out from. Right now with the road trip analogy, this is pretty obvious because everybody knows where they are physically located on the earth at any one given point in time.

But that’s not necessarily true with respect to where we are located in our businesses, in terms of the inner and outer resources that we have to make that trip success. Okay. So I know it sounds like common sense here, but you’d be shocked at how many people fail to accomplish their goals. Not because they aren’t capable of achieving them.

And not because they didn’t have the appropriate resources or knowledge to make it happen, but because they just didn’t map out properly because they underestimated or overestimated or were misguided on where they were starting out from. So, you know, an example of this would be, you know, let’s say you want to hit a $50,000 launch and you have, and you’re saying, okay, I’m gonna, I’m gonna do my offer.

You know, I’m gonna do a 50 K okay. Well, what is your offer? Oh, well it’s a $50 membership site. Okay. Well, do you know how many people you need to convert in order to make that happen? How many people do you need to have enrolled to hit? Okay. You say the number. Okay. Well, how many people do you have on your list?

Uh, 20 , you know, well, if you need a thousand people to enroll and you have 20 people on your list, that’s you have a clear idea of where you want to go, but you’re unclear. You’re not being tapped into where you are now. Okay. So I’m gonna get into exact numbers in a minute that you need to be tracking, but I see many, many new coaches fail.

Not because they aren’t clear on their goal, but because they aren’t clear on where they’re start. From in relation to that goal. So after you quantify your a and your Z, I want you to fill in B through Y. So once you know where you’re starting from and where you’re ending, you need to fill in your B through Y well, what do I mean by this?

You need a step by step idea. Of how you’re going to bring your offer to the market. There are literally thousands of ways that you can do this, but I wanna give you some basic mechanics of how you would bring any offer to market in the online space, just in case you’ve never launched before, or, you know, you really just kind of fuzzy on all the things you think that you need to be doing.

Really and truly it really is the fundamentals you just need to focus on. So here are some nuts and bolts in order to launch literally any offer that you could ever put out there. You’re going to need the following. The first is an opt-in page or an information page that outlines your free event. Okay.

So, you know, you have to. Get visible and offer your clients some type of experience. And from that experience, they get an invitation into your program or your offer. Okay. So the opt-in page is where you tell them about that free event. Okay. So you use that page to get that, to invite them into the offer.

From there, you’re gonna wanna have a thank you page, right? So the person’s gonna opt in. They’re gonna give you your, their name and email address. Then you need to create a thank you page that says, Hey, woo. You’re registered. I’m so happy. I’m gonna see you, you know, remind them of the time. Can’t wait to see you.

And then you’re gonna send them an email with all of the registration information. Right. And then of course, follow up emails to remind them up until the day of the. you’re gonna need a sales page for your offer. Pretty simple. Right. But you’d be shocked how many people don’t do this? Yes. It matters. You need to write out a product page or a sales page, basically just an informational page about your program and how, what your clients can expect, how it helps them, what the components are and what they need to do to take action, to work with you.

Okay. So. It needs to, again, detail the specifics of your offer. It needs to speak to their problems and their pain points and also their hopes and their dreams. It needs to address their objections and then urge at the end. You know, you have CTAs throughout the page and, but at the end of the page, you end it with an urge to take the leap and enroll or book a sales call with you, depending on the nature of your.

Another you all need is an enrollment page, right? This is basically an order form. How your clients enroll with you. If I had a nickel for every person’s program, I saw I’m like, this is a beautiful sales page. How do I enroll? I can’t find a button to figure out how to actually enroll in a person’s program.

So yes, you need to take the time to make an enrollment page. And another component of this is just emails, emails, emails, emails. but which type of emails. So I’m gonna give it to you. In a nutshell, there are more than this, but just for the basics, know that there are three types of emails that you will need to send.

The first are invitation emails. The second are promo emails and the third are offer emails. Invitation emails are exactly what they sound like. They encourage your client to register for your workshop or your free. The promo emails are like nurture emails, right? To the people who are registered, the people who are engaged, you are telling them all about this incredible workshop or, you know, your free offer.

You’re building rapport with them. You’re offering insane value, really helping them every single step along the way to achieve their goal via working with. And then your third are offer emails. It’s just straight call to action. Like Hey, program enrollment is open. Here’s the program. Are you in? Are you out?

And these emails are typically, you know, the ones that address objections and really help move your client into greater clarity on what it would be like to take the leap and really. Start working with you to level up their life. And of course you’ll need other marketing collateral, like graphics. I really love doing workbooks for all of my free events.

I just love ’em so much because it helps your clients capture the salient points that you’re teaching them. It really helps them feel like they are achieving results right then. And. I am such a huge proponent of making it a no brainer for your clients to work with you. I really believe that if we are serving in our purpose, Your client enrolling with, you just feels like a natural logical step because along this enrollment process, right?

It’s been nothing but them having aha moment after aha moment result after result after a result. So an example of this is after our last or no, it wasn’t even over. From our last live, your purpose launch, your practice workshop. We had clients who attended day five, which is our roadmap to 500 K. It’s a roadmap I layout that shows you how to from scratch coaching practice.

What is that? The life cycle of how a service based coaching practice actually evolves into about a half a million dollar. so, you know, if you create the three core offers that we teach in our mono training program, you can, you know, using these strategies, get yourself to about a half, a million dollar business on one core offer.

So our client had attended that workshop and just using the strategies that she learned from that day five enrolled three clients. At a three K mark. She made more money off of a free offer than she had in other paid. Coaching programs with people she had hired. So for her to enroll with man was like, dude, I just made the tuition, like by attending your free event, I can only imagine what it’s gonna be like when I actually pay you and get in the program.

So it was just a no brainer for this person to enroll. Right? Just easy peasy. Everybody feels really good. Your client feels really good. They know what their experience in working with you is gonna be like, you feel really good because you’re serving in your purpose, whether they enroll or not. So it’s just a good feeling.

All. The fourth is know your numbers. Okay. So I remember when I first started out, I was like, I wanna launch, but I have absolutely no fricking clue what I’m supposed to be paying attention to. so I wanna give you right now, some numbers you need to be, uh, tracking and paying attention to in your launch.

And, you know, depending on the launch method you’re using or the offer method you’re using, you know, this stuff can change, but more or less, no matter how you’re doing it, this is what you’re gonna wanna track. Um, The first is the first is to know this let’s start from the end and work our way up the average conversion rate for any given offer made in the online space.

Write this down. You need to live and die by the percentage. I’m about to tell you, okay, the average conversion rate for any one given offer made in the online coaching space is 2% between two and 3%. Okay, you can expect just statistically speaking to close two to 3% of the people who register for your live event, where you offer, where you invite your clients to enroll with you.

Okay. So I like to be super conservative and factor in a conversion rate of about 2%. I like to give myself a little cushion. Our last launch, we did a conversion rate of 2.3, 4%. So we were right on. so just start with 2% and work your way back. But how do you know what numbers to track in between where you are now to that 2%?

So that, that is really important. So I’m gonna give you a basic outline of what you need to be keeping your eyes on during your launch. The first is the number of people you have registered. You need to know how many people you have registered because that number is the pool from which you will have the, you know, your future clients that you’ll be making your pitch to.

Right. So that number. Is what you calculate that 2% off of. Right. You also wanna look at the number of people who attend live and the number of people who watch their replay. Okay. So how many people are actually showing up? You want to track that for those who do not show up live, encourage them to watch the replay.

And yes, you need to offer a replay and remember to email all attendees with the replay and encourage people who did not attend live to watch it. Another tip to increase attendance is to tell participants that, you know, the replay will be taken down at a certain date. So in other words, make access to your event.

Time sensitive. You do want to have urgency there. And I really think that that is just being kind to yourself too, you know, to leave your teachings and your intellectual property just out there hanging in the wind. I don’t really think that feels very good for me. And I probably wouldn’t feel very good for you.

So, you know, let them know, Hey, you can wash this on replay. No problem, but we’re gonna take it down on X. The next number that you wanna track is the number of people who stay on until the end. So for example, with the live, your purpose launcher practice workshop, it’s a five day event. We track each day, how many people were on the live event at the 10 minute mark?

What was the highest number we had in attendance and at what time was that highest number? And then we also track the number of people who stayed on until the very end. And we do that for each day. Now, the power of this, just beyond, you know, being able to track, are you gonna hit that 2% or not? Is that let’s say that you have, you know, 40 people on at that 10 minute mark.

And why do I say 10 minute into your event? You know, lots of people show up late. It does take people about 10 minutes to get on. So I like to look at that mark. So the reason why you wanna track these three numbers in your event is it will give you a data driven idea of how engaging your content is that you are presenting to your clients.

So for example, if you have 40 people on at that 10, 15 minute mark, but at the end you only have, you know, seven people on what happens. That’s a problem, right? So that’s telling you that there’s something off with your content. Maybe you aren’t understanding what their core problems are, you know, just something is off.

Right? So for example, in our launch, I think we had, I can’t remember how many, we would have a 10, but our percentage of stay was 92%. So we had 92% complete attendance rate. Once that person got on that live, they stayed on the live, which is almost unheard of. So what’s that tell me, it tells me that my content is really engaging and people find it really.

So after we finished the live, your purpose, launcher practice, which was a new workshop, by the way, we had put that together, the content was brand spanking new. I’d never taught a lot of those principles before. I was very excited to see that number because it let me know that I’m on track and serving my clients properly.

It let me know that I understand, you know, what they’re really needing from me that they’re coming to me to learn things and I’m delivering right. Otherwise they wouldn’t. So apart from, Hey, you know, you just need people staying on your event so you can make your offer. It also gives you this data driven insight into how well you’re understanding and really how well your offer and what you’re teaching is mapping on to what your clients want.

Okay. So the beauty of tracking these numbers is that it really just does make setting goals easier. So do you want 10 people in your program shoot for 500 registrants? Do you want 20 people in your program shoot for a thousand res registrants. Now I don’t wanna sound callous here. I do not believe by any stretch of the imagination that enrolling people into your program is a numbers game only.

But if we don’t have our heads wrapped around some type of data driven. Goal then we’re just not really going to be able to fill in that B through Y right. As you are going through your launch, you’re not gonna be able to know if you’re hitting the mark or not. Okay. So that is why knowing your numbers is so important.

So what I would like to do now is have you just take a moment and think about each of these points that I have put together. Are you eating your elephant one bite at a time? Are you going too small or too big? Spend a few moments thinking about that and understand that no matter where you are, that is fine.

You’re right where you need to be, but adjust accordingly. Okay. Because we have to give ourselves permission to be where we are, but also. Really challenge ourself to grow big. So know that it’s okay. True. Success is iterative. It comes over time and then quantify, quantify, quantify your a to Z. Do you know where you’re starting from?

Do you know where you want to go? Make sure you have both of those mapped out and then fill in your B through why get the trick to filling it in your B through Y is to give yourself enough. To execute your plan. I would recommend giving yourself a minimum of a six week ramp up to your event and also have all of your materials made ahead of time.

There’s a lot of coaches out there that talk about how you should create your product on the fly and, you know, do it as you’re moving through. I can’t think of anything more stressful than doing that. The approach that I have always taken at Atmana is to build iteratively. Okay. I don’t want the stress of feeling caught with my pants down.

it is the worst feeling in the world. The first product I ever launched. It was a program called becoming your higher self. I did it in 2015. It was my first, first, first group program. And I launched it within six months of going online. I don’t even know I was outta my mind to think I could do something like that.

And luckily for me, my very first launch, I hit a five figure payday, which was wonderful, but I used that method of, oh, just sell it first and get your first module done. And then you can just build along the way. And I was. Basket case I was so exhausted. I totally underestimated how much it was gonna take outta me to create that content and deliver that offer.

It was God awful. I remember Ava coming into my office, just being like mom, like mom, walk away, mom, you need a break mom. You’re in here, you know, 15 hours a day, mom. Like she was like, literally pulling me off my desk. It. Not a good experience. Okay. So again, set reasonable, but ambitious goals and give yourself time, but also challenge yourself.

Right? You can’t give yourself forever, but go into that launch with 90% of it done. Yes. You’re gonna pivot. Yes. You’re gonna change things, but you need to have the basic stuff together so that you can show. And serve with energy and heart and enthusiasm so that you can be so present with the people that you are serving.

Okay. Because at the end of the day, this really is about the individuals that you are called to serve. It’s the whole reason we’re here. It’s the whole reason we launch. Okay. And then I want you to think about your numbers. I want you to think about the. You know, what is your goal? And then ask yourself, okay, how am I going to track all of this?

It’s really not that hard, but you do have to get in the mindset. Really more of that, you know, you gotta put on your businesswoman hat and decide that this kind of stuff matters. And it also helps you budget right budget for, you know, any expenditures you’re gonna have to pull the launch off. Okay. So this has been the hot and dirty of the behind of the scenes of my 100 K launch.

I would love to hear your feedback, your questions, your aha moments. You. Type those over to me, post ’em over in our Facebook group, the Opana intuitive coach collective. I will leave a note or a link in the show notes, pop over there and let me know. What are your thoughts about launching? What are your fears?

What are your concerns if you have launched, what are your thoughts on the numbers that you tracked? Just let me know the skinny on how, what I’ve given you here. Really maps onto and pro and, uh, you know, works with what you’re currently thinking about in terms of bringing your beautiful soulful offer and your work to the online space.

Okay, let’s wrap up with three quick things. So my intention for this podcast is to be of impactful service to you. And one of the ways that I can tell how well I’m doing that is by reading honest reviews of the pod. So the reviews really allow me to see the topics and the ideas that are resonating with you.

The most. So I would be forever honored and grateful if you would leave a review on iTunes for the show. And I get super excited every time a review comes in, because it helps me stay in my purpose. And in my intention of supporting the coaches and entrepreneurs out there doing the heavy lifting of helping other people heal and expand and grow.

So if it feels aligned, go to Heatheraliceshea.com/podcast, and show me some love by leaving me. Built review and to express my gratitude each week, I read the names of everyone who leaves a review as a thank you to you for helping this podcast thrive. And speaking of showing the love, did you know that I make 100% free tip sheets for almost every episode on this podcast?

Why? Yes I do. So you can go to Heatheraliceshea.com/podcast, tip sheets, and enter in your name and best email address. And I will send you over a page link where you can download them all into your little heart is content. And the third and final thing is that I get. Emails each week asking how to begin the process of becoming an intuitive coach or from existing coaches and therapists who would like to begin applying intuition in their sessions.

So if you are interested or you feel called and would just like to explore, uh, the services that we offer over atmana coaching academy, then just head over to my website@heatheraliceshea.com and check out our different offerings for coaches and creatives, who would like to explore intuitive development, business development.

Or both. So that is it for this episode. My lovely, remember, you are more powerful than you can possibly imagine. So step into your greatness and stay after it.