Ep77: Knowing Your Numerology With Jo Soley
What can numbers reveal about who you are and what your life path is? How can your birth date and your name help you get in alignment with what your purpose is in life and in your business?
In this episode, be ready to get your nerd on and be blown away by numerology and Jo Soley! Jo is a business and marketing coach, helping passionate entrepreneurs build their business and reach the next level of success. Jo infuses the power of numerology in her work with her clients, after embarking on her own journey with numerology, she understands herself on a different level and so many opportunities have opened up in her life and business.
She will share what inspired her to embrace numerology in her life and her business journey. Jo will explain how numerology works and how she incorporates it with her client work. She will talk about numeric energy, life path number, and the formula on how to get your master numbers. She will also address the numeric energy behind names and changing names for both a person and a business. Jo will share an exciting freebie for you, so make sure you tune in till the end of the episode.
Are you ready to get into your right life path with numerology? Then listen to the episode now!
Soul Stirring Quotes
“As I started to turn, like the Titanic, my marketing heart-centered business into numerology, then I felt more in alignment.”
“I started to understand that one size does not fit all and there’s no cookie cutter approach in business.”
“When we understand our numbers, then we can ‘be ourselves because everyone else is taken’ just like what Oscar Wilde said.”
“Your name isn’t who you are, it’s who you look like you are. And people treat you like it and to some extent you behave like it.”
“Numbers are innate, deep, cosmic, inherent, and are fundamental in form.”
“Nothing happens in life without numbers.”
“Every number has an energy and has abstract information about it.”
“Numbers are as old as the hills but as new as the next decision you are going to make.”
”Numbers speak and their language is numerology.”
“If you change your name you change your life, when you change your name you change your life.”
“Our job is to get into the energy of our life path number.”
Episode Timecodes:
0:27 Heather gives a short and sweet intro about Jo, what she does and what they talked about in the show.
1:34 Jo talks about numerology, B1zology, and how she started her business around numerology.
4:15 What Jo started to understand when she embraced her life path and numerology.
5:56 Jo explains how she works with her clients.
7:37 What are some things that numerology can help a person answer or understand themselves a little.
8:02 Jo shows how numeric energies work and gives some samples.
11:28 What is a life path number?
13:07 Jo shares the formula on how numerology works and talks about master numbers.
14:30 Jo gives a little bit of numerology reading for Heather.
17:38 How do you find the essence of a person or a business through their name?
20:55 Jo shares how she applies numerology to brands and businesses.
22:06 Jo shares her personal experience when she changed her business’ name.
23:00 Jo shares her freebies so you don’t have to go down the Google rabbit hole.
Links Mentioned:
Connect with Jo
Website: josoley.com
Instagram: josoleybizology
Facebook: BizologywithJoSoley
Timezone: America/New_York
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