Today is an exceptional day – it’s Heather Alice Shea’s 45th trip around the sun! And to celebrate this special day, she will share the 45 spiritual lessons she learned and more.
In this episode, Heather will reflect on a quote that Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, once said – Life really begins at 40. She will share her thoughts on who you are in a world that demands, is pressured, and is forced to wear a mask. Heather will also share what she and Atmana stand for and what she is recommitting herself to. And finally, the beautiful list of her lessons learned throughout her life.
So get ready for an amazing episode that will inspire you and even help you create your own list of spiritual lessons learned!
Soul Stirring Quotes
“Who am I without the filter? It’s a pretty powerful question to ask yourself, isn’t it?”
“I don’t think we have a problem with our real self, even when we take into consideration the shadow self as being a part of that real self.”
“I have been fighting for and endeavoring to create a world where we are not only free to be our real selves but we are embraced and celebrated by others.”
“As we become our higher selves, we cease to suffer and we usher in heaven on earth.”
Episode Timecodes:
00:26 Heather gives a beautiful introduction on what inspired her to share this episode.
02:13 Heather shares questions that you can also ask yourself as you take off your “mask”.
04:15 Heather shares her thoughts on our false selves.
06:19 Heather shares what she is recommitting her life to and what Atmana stands for.
07:41 Heather shares her 45 Spiritual Lessons in 45 years. Check her inspiring list below!
“I don’t know” are three of the wisest words a person can say.
The answer to all suffering is inside us but almost no one is willing to look there, which is why the world is in so much pain.
Speaking your truth will absolutely piss some people and that’s not your problem.
You become more powerful than you can possibly imagine the moment you start believing in yourself.
You will be loved by some and hated by others. Don’t allow the hatred to define you, but don’t let the adoration do so either. Only God and your own Soul are in a position to do that.
Your purpose isn’t something you do. It’s something you’re called to become.
There are two kinds of people in this world. People who swear and people who don’t. People in the former category are way fucking cooler than the latter.
Your parents did the best job they could with what they had at the time. Forgive them.
You aren’t responsible for other people’s feelings. Be patient until they figure that out.
The world isn’t a bad or a good place. It’s what we choose to believe about our life that determines whether or not we experience it that way.
Forgiveness is divine but sometimes that can only come after lawyering the fuck up and suing the shit out of the people who have woefully wronged you.
Intuition is the highest form of intelligence we have.
When you’re young, you feel like everything is important. As you get older, you realize that only three things are: Family, Friends, and Faith.
Your feelings are sacred. Don’t expect everyone to care about them and only share them with people who do.
If you need to cry, cry. But you can just as easily laugh, which is way more fun.
Don’t take things personally. It’s really not about you.
Love people enough to let them learn their lessons. It’s not your job to fix anyone.
It’s far more kind to treat people the way they want to be treated than it is to treat them the way you want to be treated.
Never ever ever ever give your power away. To anyone. For any reason. Ever.
Do not apologize for things you haven’t done wrong or when you don’t really mean it.
Having kids will drain the shit out of you but once they’re older they make you feel young.
Blaming and shaming are a huge waste of time. Learn what you need to learn and move on.
Botox is your best friend once your forehead wrinkles start running the show.
Everyone wants a magical life but very few people are willing to actually believe in life’s magic long enough to get it.
Talent alone isn’t enough. Passion, persistence, action, commitment, and courage will take you everywhere.
Failure is a myth. You are either succeeding or on your way to succeeding. You can only fail if you give up.
Santa’s not real but you still get presents.
God/Universe is constantly trying to guide you through signs, symbols, and synchronicity. Pay attention.
Knowing where you’re going isn’t necessary in order for you to get started.
It’s clique as hell but so very true that through Love, all things are possible.
There comes a time in your soul’s evolution when you simply outgrow religion. It’s ok to let it go, even though the majority of people still seem to need it.
Being “religious” and personal relationship with God are NOT the same thing at all.
If you can’t be happy right now for no reason at all, then you’ll never be happy; because true happiness demands it come, “for no reason at all, right now.”
“No” is a perfectly good answer that doesn’t need to be followed up with an explanation.
It’s better to live a hard truth than a beautiful lie.
There’s no point in achieving anything if you don’t stop long enough to celebrate it.
You can be spiritual and still kick ass, drink whiskey and be a real person.
Change is the only constant thing in the world. Your ability to create what you desire is directly correlated with how comfortable you are living in and with the unknown.
Your greatest teachers in life will be the people who hurt and anger you the most. Be grateful for them.
Your thoughts and emotions create your reality and both are under your control.
You can “have it all” throughout the course of your lifetime, but not all at the same time.
Wine and a night out with your girlfriends can solve a surprisingly enormous amount of problems.
Financial success is a great way to discover who your real friends are. You will be shocked at who wants to use you and who really has your back.
Give what you can – even if it’s small. The fact that you care enough to do so is what touches the heart.
The only person you have to spend the rest of your life with is you, so you’d better make friends with yourself fast.
16:34 Heather shares more words of wisdom and an exclusive invitation for you to join her Facebook group, The Atmana Intuitive Coach Collective.
Links Mentioned:
Connect with Heather
The Atmana Intuitive Coach Collective
Join The Atmana Intuitive Coach Collective Facebook Group here:
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Episode Transcript:
Welcome to the everyday intuitive podcast. I’m your host, Heather Alice Shea intuitive life coach trainer status quo, shaker and founder of Atmana Coaching Academy. Listen in each week to break up with your comfort zone claim your self confidence and radically embrace your role as an intuitive healer mentor and sought after coach let’s get within and get after it.
Carl Young, a famous. Clinical psychologist and really founder of the psychology movement that we know today, once famously said, life truly begins at 40. And I heard this quote from young before I turned 40. And I was like, well, that’s a bunch of bullshit. I feel like, you know, my life is going pretty well.
I feel like I’ve got some things figured out. Uh, and then I hit 40 and about six months to a year into my forties, I realized, boy, did he know what he was talking about? So today, December 18th, 2021 marks my 45th trip around the sun. I am five years into this over 40 thing. And I have to tell you that in almost every conceivable way.
As I reflect on the last five years of my life specifically, although of course, 45 in total, I realize how true that statement is. I feel like I’ve learned more in the last five years as a, as a soul, a sawing through this experience called being a human in the last five years that I have maybe in the 40.
Previous. And so I thought it would be fun to share with you some of the lessons that I have learned. And as I’ve compiled this list of 45 spiritual lessons, I’ve learned in the 45 years, I’ve been living sort of the predominant question that I completed this list through was from the lens of who am I without the filter.
Who am I without the filter? Who is Heather Alice Shea? It’s a pretty powerful question to ask yourself, isn’t it? Who are you who are fill in your first, middle and last name? Right? Who are you when you go look in the mirror? Do you know that person? And we live in a world that really encourages the filter, the Photoshop.
Right. The mask, the fake it till you make it the false self. If you’re a woman you most certainly live in a world that absolutely worships youth and beauty, almost to the exclusion of all other feminine virtues and our culture certainly wants us as women to define ourselves. Based on those parameters alone, you can look at the beauty industry, the billion dollar industry that is multiple billion, maybe even trillion dollar industry that is as evidence and proof of that statement I just made.
So who are you and how would you feel about yourself if you didn’t live in a world that demanded, pressured and coerced you to wear a mask? The answer that came to me when I asked myself this question was I think I would feel pretty good about myself. If I was allowed to be more myself, if I gave myself permission to be more myself, you see, I don’t think we have a problem with our real self, our true self, our soul self, our higher self.
Even when we take into consideration the shadow self as being a part of that real self of. That has to be the case, right? Because it can’t be the real self, unless it includes that shadow side of us. Right. The part of ourselves we’ve repressed and denied, suppressed, or have been taught to shame, blame and judge.
So I think we have a problem with the fault self. I think all of our problems start there and what I love about being a coach, particularly atmana intuitive coach. And now of course, someone who trains coaches is that my life gets to stand for. Tearing off that mask, helping other people tear off that mask, waking up every single day and peering behind the blackness that we have been taught to be terrorized by looking at our true face and falling in love with what we find.
And so I wanna create a world. 45 years old as I ask myself, what am I doing here? what the hell are you doing here, Heather? You might have another, if you’re lucky, 40 years on the planet, I’ve probably got more years behind me now than I do ahead of me. No one in my FA on my father’s side of the family lived past 65.
My mother’s family didn’t fare. Well either, although my mom’s killing it, she’s uh, 80 now, but I’ll be lucky if I have another 40 years, what do I want my life to stand for? What do you want your life to stand for? The number one thing we’re all guaranteed is death. You’re not gonna be here forever. Right?
It’s definitely coming . And so I wanna dedicate or rededicate, I should say, because I’ve, I’ve really been championing it and fighting for it my whole life, as I reflect on it, even moments when I didn’t know it, but I have been fighting for an endeavoring to create a world where we are not only free to be our real selves, but we are embraced and celebrated.
By others by our loved ones, by, by people, we don’t even know that it becomes such a virtue in our culture, such a celebrated accomplishment to be one’s self, that it is fully recognized and applauded as the radically courageous act that it is. To stand in self-acceptance of yourself. This is the world I want to create.
And so on my birthday, I am publicly declaring that , that, that is what I’m recommitting my life to. And that’s what atmana the word at stands for. I get asked that a lot. What does atmana mean? It’s a word I created, uh, man means that. As we become our higher selves, we cease to suffer and we usher in heaven on earth.
And we can only do that by allowing who we really are to shine through. So who are you without the mask? And I believe that we can look at our own lives for the way into expressing that more fully. You don’t have to look any farther than your own experiences than your own inner wisdom. Then all of the things that you have completely fucked up, everything that you’ve ever gotten, right?
Everything you’ve ever done, that you aren’t proud of, that you are proud of everything you’ve ever accomplished and not accomplished dared to do. And didn’t dare to do every challenge you’ve ever risen to every one you’ve ever ran from all of it. Every last bit of it is where you need to go to discover how to fully live into.
The life that you wanna live for whatever remainder of time you have left. And so right now, I wanna share with you my 45 lessons that I’ve learned in the 45 years that I’ve been human this time around and this life number one, I don’t know are three of the wisest words a person can say, number two. The answer to all suffering is inside of us, but almost no one is willing to look there, which is why the world is in so much pain.
Number three, speaking your truth will absolutely piss some people off. And that my friend is not your problem. Number four. You are more powerful than you can possibly imagine. The moment you start believing in yourself, number five, you will be loved by some and hated by others. Do not allow the hatred to define you, but don’t let the adoration do so either only God and your soul are in a position to do that.
Number six, your purpose in life is not something that you are called to do. It is something that you are called to become. And that thing you are called to become is who God made you to be. That’s your purpose. Number seven. There are two kinds of people in this world. People who swear and people who don’t and people in the former category are way fucking cooler than the latter.
Number eight, your parents did the best job they could with what they had at the time. Please forgive them. Number nine, you weren’t responsible for other people’s feelings be patient until they figure that out. Number 10. The world isn’t a bad or a good place. It’s what we choose to believe about our life.
That determines whether or not we experience that way. Number 11, forgiveness is divine, but sometimes that can only come after lawyering the fuck up and suing the shit out of the people who have woefully wronged. You. Number 12 intuition is the highest form of intelligence. A human being can have number 13 when you’re young, you feel like everything is important.
And as you get older, you realize that only three things are family, friends, and faith. Number 14, your feelings are sacred. Do not expect everyone to care about them and only share them with people who do number 15, if you need to cry, cry, but you can just as easily laugh, which is always way more fun.
Number 16, don’t take things personally. It really, really isn’t about you. Number 17. Love people enough to let them learn their lessons. It is not your job to fix them. Number 18, it is far more kind to treat people the way they want to be treated than it is to treat them the way you want to be treated.
Remember, they are not, you. Number 19 never, ever, ever, ever, ever give your power away to anyone for any reason ever. Number 20, do not apologize for things that you haven’t done wrong, or when you don’t really mean. Number 21, having kids will drain the shit out of you, but once they’re older, they will make you feel young.
Number 22, blaming and shaming are a huge waste of time. Learn what you need to learn and move on. Number 23. Botox is your best friend. Once your forehead wrinkles, start running the show. Number 24. Everyone wants a magical life, but very few people are willing to actually believe in life’s magic long enough to get it.
Number 25 talent alone. Isn’t enough passion, perseverance action, commitment and courage will take you everywhere. Number 26 failure is a myth. You are either succeeding or are on your way to succeeding. You can only fail if you give up. And that’s a choice. Number 27. Santa’s not real, but you still get presence.
Number 28, God in the universe are constantly trying to guide you through signs, symbols, dreams, and synchronicities. Please pay attention and learn to read the signs. Number 29, knowing where you’re going isn’t necessary. It is not necessary in order for you to get started. So get started. Number 30, it’s cliche as hell, but so very true that through love, all things are possible.
Number 31. There comes a time in your soul’s evolution when you simply outgrow religion. It’s okay to let it go. Even though the vast majority of people still seem to need it. Number 32, being religious and having a personal relationship with God are not the same thing at all. Number 33. If you can’t be happy right now for no reason at all, then you’ll never be happy because true happiness demands it come for no reason at all.
Right now. Number 34. No is a perfectly good answer that does not need to be followed up with an explanation. Number 35. It is far better to live with a hard truth than it is to live with a beautiful lie. Number 36, there is no point in achieving anything. If you do not learn how to stop long enough to celebrate it.
Number 37, you can be spiritual and still kick ass. Drink whiskey and be a real person. Number 38. Change is the only constant thing in this world. Your ability to create what you desire is directly correlated with how comfortable you are living in and with the unknown 39, your greatest teachers in life will be the people who hurt and anger.
You the most be grateful for them, even though you want to ring their neck. Number 40. Your thoughts and emotions create your reality. And both contrary to popular belief are under your command. Number 41. You can have it all through the course of your lifetime, but not all at the same time. Number 42 wine and a night out with your girlfriends can solve a surprisingly enormous amount of problems.
Number 43. Financial success is a great way to discover who your real friends are. You will be shocked at, who wants to use you and who really has your back number 44. Give what you can, even if it’s small. The fact that you care enough to give it all is what transforms and touches the heart of the person who receives your giving.
Number 45. The only person you have to spend the rest of your life with is you. So you’d better make friends with yourself fast. So I hope that you have enjoyed my list. I had a fantastic time compiling. I would love to hear from you. Over in our Facebook group, The Atmana intuitive coach collective. What are some of your sole insights that you have as you reflect on your life?
When you peel your mask back and you ask yourself, who am I without the filter? What have I learned thus far and becoming more myself? I would love if you would go and post that over in our Facebook group, there’ll be a. And the show notes for you to join our group. It is over, oh gosh, I don’t know. About 6,400 people strong.
It grows every single day of intuitives and amazing coaches from all over the world who are doing big things to help move and shift our world into the morning that I know is breaking over us. I really do feel. Though things are, you know, wild and crazy right now in the world. I really do think we are coming through this and are moving into a new earth.
And so if you would like to join our community there and have really deep, rich conversations about things that actually matter. Join our Facebook group. The link is in the show notes. And until next time together, we rise. That is a wrap for today’s show. Thank you from the bottom of my feels for showing up today in your power and in your willingness to let your intuitive self lead.
And if you are still working your way to your first 50 to 100 K in your coaching practice, I have two incredible free resources to help you fast pass. This process, the first is to join our free and fun Facebook group. The atmana intuitive coach collective, where myself and our atmana instructors do free trainings every week.
To help you turn your obstacles into opportunities with each and every step you take. So that you can begin to achieve success on your own terms and finally make the money that you know, you deserve. So if you’re interested in joining our group, just pop onto Facebook and you can search bar intuitive, coach collective, and we will pop up or you can check our show notes.
For a link. And the second resource is a V I P ticket to our next upcoming five day workshop experience. Live your purpose, launch your practice, where you are going to learn four keys to claiming your intuitive confidence calling in clients with authenticity and integrity. And then you’re gonna create your very first or one of many.
Signature programs that help you sell your services with ease and grace. That also helps you go high ticket. So head on over to coach launch to get your V I P ticket, or you can check the show notes where you can get your hot little hands on a link to both the Facebook group and the five day work.
Until next time I see you. I love you together. We rise.