What is your life’s purpose? This is a question that you might have thought more than once as you decide whether you are truly meant to be an intuitive coach and a healer. I hear you and I have asked myself this question, too.
In my 20 years of experience, I’ve seen a lot of people who are truly made to be intuitive coaches and healers but always lack the confidence to do what they are meant to. These people feel lost and unsure if they have the qualities to become a coach. In this episode, I give my thoughts and seven qualities or characteristics I noticed come naturally for people meant to be good intuitive coaches and healers.
If deep down inside you, you know you are meant to be an intuitive coach, then listen and enjoy this episode. These qualities will help you move forward to the business and the life you are meant to have!
Episode Timecodes:
1:00 My thoughts and observations about healers.
2:20 You are someone’s “heavy”- the person they can rely on when the going gets rough.
4:00 You are a fantastic listener and witness.
5:53 Being non-judgemental is one of your superpowers.
6:59 You are deeply emphatic.
9:00 You are not afraid to say the truth.
10:00 You believe that people are fundamentally good.
11:05 You hold space for a person’s potential and better self
Links Mentioned:
Connect with Heather
The Atmana Intuitive Coach Collective
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Episode Transcript:
This podcast is going to be like having dessert before dinner. Buckle up sis. I got a special guest for you.
Hey everyone, it’s Jen Mons. I’m super excited to be with all of you today and most importantly excited to be with my soul sister Heather.
This podcast is going to be a deep dive into a lot of interesting and meaningful topics and we’re going to, I’m going to give a bit of a forewarning on this. Jen is a true soul sister of mine. My accountability coach, my best friend, my business partner, many, many things. She is to me. So we are going to do our best not to digress into,
Do you know the the a hundred skillion topics we could. But today’s episode and why I’m so happy to bring her to you today is I think that Jen has accomplished something quite rare in her own journey as a professional intuitive coach and just in her business in general. And so I’m excited to have her come on and talk about what it has been like for her. Jen, you’ve been coaching for how long? Tell us 10 years. Yeah, almost 10 years, so I’m excited to have her come on and talk about that, what it has been like for her in that tenure journey through the lens of I think maybe two main things, owning her authenticity and her coaching practice and then really claiming her right to show up in this space, you know, waving her Wu flag as it were really giving herself permission to just say, yeah, you know what, I’m here.
I’m a spiritual teacher. I’m a spiritual coach and I did and I were talking before that this, you know, we hit record on the episode and we said this is a pivotal thing that all intuitively oriented coaches go through. Each of us have to, we reached kind of this point where we’re like, damn it. Am I going to come out and just say yes, I’m an empath. I’m an intuitive, I’m an energy sensitive and that is going to be a huge part of my practice, no matter how comfortable we think we are with that. When we start our coaching practice, there’s, we always hit this wall or hit this point where we really have to question ourselves if we are going fully and deeply into that. And Jen is someone who has faced that dark night of the soul and come out of that. Not only, I think feeling great about our business, but just killing it in business. So as of this recording, it’s February 13th yeah. And your coaching practice is booked for the year already?
Speaker 3:
Well, yeah. Yeah.
Can you speak, I’m, you know, I’m just taking it all in. It feels really good to just to be acknowledged and to just sit in a space of just acknowledging myself. I think celebrations are so important, you know, in this work because it’s easy to keep moving forward. So I’m just receiving what you’re saying. So thank you for, okay, so let’s start there. Tell us a little bit about what got you into this, your practice and how you help people. Yeah, so like you said, I started coaching 10 years ago and I started health coaching as a result of my own personal health crisis and health crisis. In my family and loved health coaching at first it everything that I believed in and I was teaching and, and you know, working with people was also changing my own life and giving me a great quality of life.
And so I continued to do that for five or six. I did that for about six years. I just, I would, you know, do more training and just try to get more knowledge and just do the best job that I could do. And then if you remember, I had a second health crisis and it was about five days after I met you. So there was this like, you know, synchronicity, right? I heard your name three times. I was like, okay, I’m going to schedule a session with this girl. We had our session a couple days later. I had a second health crisis and that health crisis was really about like, you can eat as healthy as you want, but if you do not connect to your spirit and you don’t heal your emotional wounds and you don’t do all the other stuff, it doesn’t matter. So I didn’t know all this at the time.
I was just kind of going along with the journey of life and things started to change and unfold. I did meet yoga teacher training, I started diving into energy work and meditation and started to change the messaging in my health coaching just a little bit more to you know, outside of just what food could do. Cause that had been my identity for so long. And I think that that’s an important thread through all of this thing is you know the willingness to not be attached to the identities that also bring us success because if we’re attached to anything then we might be limiting ourselves. So I was willing to sort of let go of this, you know, it was like a detoxification specialist and move into like having a healthy relationship to food but still really kind of clinging on to the health coaching role.
But the whole time it was health coaching. I knew that I was doing a lot of other things under the surface. Like someone would come in to a session with me and I would feel something like in my lower back or my kidneys and then that person would tell me that they had had kidney failure. And I kind of like knew that, that they were going to say that or someone would tell me about a health thing and I would get like a message that there is an emotional component underneath it or an unhealthy relationship. And I didn’t really know how to explain it, but the whole time I was just like, man, I’m really good at health coaching. You know? I’m just like, I’m really good because like I already know what they’re going to tell me, but I didn’t have a word for it.
And so as I continued to do the work, you know, the years went on and I was doing my own interpersonal work, which is been an integral part of my journey as well as my commitment to dive deeper and to explore what was next for me. And you know, I really do believe you’ll hear me say what we’re here to learn. We’re here to teach. And so as I’m doing my inner work in learning, it’s becoming obvious to me that my role in the world and who I was really born to be was different than the identity that I was holding onto, which was health coaching. And as I heard you speak, the thing that I felt in my heart is the one thing that I’ve always known is my connection to grace, which I use the word God or grace source energy. And I’ve never questioned that.
And I’ve always had such an intimate, just knowing in that area that that is meant to be part of what I do, which is where the spiritual teacher had mentorship come in. I had just forgotten that part of me. And so I mean honestly, Heather, you were a part of that whole journey because as a friend but also started out as a coach, you were there to witness and guide me in. I want to say to the listeners that we’re going to have people in our life that are going to say something and we’re going to feel it, and it’s a message from spirit. And you were one of those people, like people are placed in our lives for a reason, and so two years ago, you know what it felt like inside is it felt like I was trapped. It felt like I was doing the thing that I was good at because it was safe financially.
I was frustrated because I was, I felt like I wasn’t charging my worth. I felt like I wasn’t standing in my truth. I felt like it wasn’t sanding in my power and all of my gifts that I was playing small. And I remember a conversation that you and I had actually around it may take a couple of times for me to receive it. Right. You know, just, you would just politely say like, you know, have you ever thought of doing more than just the health coaching and adding the sand? And I was, so much of my identity was in the health coaching because I had success around that. I had literally healed my daughter. That’s a whole other story. But healed, my daughter healed myself and I didn’t want to let go of that attachment, but I was keeping myself small and when I decided to step into the possibility of, you know, really sharing what I’m doing and how I’m going to do it, of course all the fears came up because they’re going to come up.
It’s like, okay, your family’s going to judge you. You’re going to say it, you’re going to share things about them. People are gonna think you’re crazy. People are gonna see you don’t believe in God because you know, there’s this whole thing, religion versus spirituality. That was a big one for me. And you know, your people are gonna think you’re fake, the whole imposters and I’m like, all the things come up, right? It’s like I’m comfortable here. I do that. And it’s almost like it was bigger than me and I, it was going to happen either way. I just got to choose whether I was going to go with it or resist it. So I was like, okay. I started a podcast in March and the podcast at first was called pathways to holistic healing. And then it became the embodied healing self and the podcast talks about accessing pathways to healing so that you can access your soul’s wisdom.
So I knew in that moment that it was going to become more spiritual and energetic because that was the world that I was in. So long story short, there were two shifts in my energy. One was I knew that I was here to take up more space in the world. And so that meant coaching was no longer a hobby for $100 an hour. Coaching was about really owning that I’m really radically changing people’s lives. You and I have talked about this when we work with people. I mean I just had a phone call yesterday, right? And it’s like the love of their life walks in or they get a, I got like three text messages yesterday. Like I’m a rising star at working out. I got this promotion. And it’s like, cause it’s energy.
It happens very, very quick. I think that’s the one part of claiming this role as an intuitive coach. I think that we have a responsibility to claim it because when we do, we are fully accepting the energy we’re bringing in with in the work that we’re co-creating with our clients. Right? That’s our piece and I think our clients have better, faster, more aligned results because of us becoming more congruent because we are willing to stand more authentically in who we are. And I want to touch on something you said a little bit ago that I think is super fricking important. It’s not like you started doing anything different. You just started claiming it. You, like you said, I was already doing intuitive work. I already knew for the whole 10 years I’ve been doing this, I already knew. I just didn’t know that that’s what I was doing.
I didn’t have a label for it. So I think that that’s what’s once that when you’re in this process, if you’re, when you start out as a coach who has these intuitive abilities, you don’t really realize that what you’re actually in fact doing isn’t going to change. You just give yourself permission to do what you already are doing naturally more fully. So it becomes more powerful, more apart of the process. So, so I think that that’s a really important point. It’s not like you needed to go do anything more. It was just giving yourself permission to do it to internal shift. Yeah. It’s an internal shift. Yeah. And the minute that you did that, right? Yeah. Because I mean I’ve, we’ve known each other for five years and coached on a personal and professional level. The minute that you made that shift, Jen, that’s when your practice took off.
And 100%. Yeah. The just by going, okay, I’m not gonna resist it anymore. And that’s another thing that I think is so cool about your coaching practices. You’re kind of a living example of the idea that we’re told, we’re told this kind of woo woo, weird, you know, new age idea that the energy you are is what you attract. And you know, it sounds very like, okay, that’s great, but is it really going to do it? And yeah, it actually really does. When you own it and step into it and you’re willing to fail and it’s not like claiming, it just magically makes it easy. On the contrary, you had to go through a lot of anxiety and fear but you stepped forward anyway. And on the other side of that, once you get to the other side of it, you can see, okay, yes, alignment is everything. The energy you bring has everything. And too, I’ve always been this anyway and it feels really, really good.
It feels so good and you said it exactly perfectly like it feels so good to stand in your truth and be in alignment with who you really are and not to play small like it was actually painful physically to not be who I really was. And you know, I just started playing with shifting words around and then the podcast really just helped me to just, you know, come out of my closet and cause you couldn’t fake it there for
Faking it before, but it’s like you can’t, when you’re producing something like a podcast or, and the podcast is, it’s a placeholder for sharing your message, right? Like you’re just going to get up and say what’s on your heart and on your mind. So I think that’s another really cool thing about getting out there and just saying it before you really know what you’re going to say because saying it helps you realize what it is you really have to say, you know?
Yeah. And there’s like two things kind of happening at the same time, right? Like people today like to talk a lot about masculine and feminine energy or you know, the being and becoming in the alignment versus the hustle. And the truth is, is that there’s a time and a place for both and we live in the ebb and flow of both. So results wise, what happened when I decided to own my worth and my truth is immediately my income triple, like within a few months of, you know, like that monthly income started to triple and then all of a sudden whatever that monthly income was begin to triple for the year. And now here it is 2020 and I already have what 2019 was I have for the whole year in the first month. So that part matters because income allows us to create impact. And I went through my own, you know, we’ve talked about this like there’s a lot of kind of stigma around like income abundance and spiritual healers, right?
But the truth is, the truth of the matter is, is that people like us who are creating positive change in the world because there’s a lot of hurt in the world right now should be making money so that we can create more impact and more change because now we can do live events and retreats and I have more offerings for our clients. So that was sort of the results side. Now internally, what I love about the whole process is it was such a, an inner deep healing process for me because you know, you record a podcast on your challenges become your gifts. I can’t remember the name of it, but, and I’m so in alignment with that message because one of my inner child core wounds is about being shut down for speaking my truth. And so here I stand now in the light of what is possible when we do stand in our own truth and what that really looks like.
And it was able to kind of come to the energy of like, my message isn’t for everybody and that’s okay, I’m going to put it out there and I’ll attract the people who are in alignment with me who are on the same path and you know, going just to even the next layer deeper and just gratitude for the whole process is that the women I get to work with every time somebody new comes, this is the best part for me. Like they’re just more and more amazing and they’re more in alignment with the work that I’m doing. And you know, as we coach, we cocreate relationships with people. And so many of these women they also offer, we know this is coaches that sometimes, you know, we get that little reflection of ourselves that their coaches. So it’s like a co-creation of a relationship and an experience and it just feels really good to be in alignment and flow.
And you know, even when stuff in the personal world, the sort of little chaotic, you know, we’ve had these conversations. It’s just you just stay the course and you stay in alignment. And yeah, I’m just sitting here in like true gratitude because honestly what was happening for me in my life is I felt like I had everything I ever wanted. I have an amazing husband and I have a beautiful family. We live in a beautiful place. I loved my life, but I wasn’t on purpose. And it’s really fulfilling to be in your purpose and to have gratitude for it. So now I feel like whatever comes my way, like I know how to navigate it because all of the things are like, it’s like a constellation and it’s, it’s in alignment. And it feels really good. So yeah, and I, what I’m kind of picking up out of what you’re saying and what I think is so important for us to tease out in this conversation is that it’s there. If we say yes
To it, it’s always there, but it can’t be something we live unless we say yes. And so for me, the mindset shift for all of us, for all of us, right? This is the year, you know, you’re sharing your story, Jen, but this is a story that every last one of every, I really believe every energy sensitive healer out there is going to encounter at some point in their, their life. And so I think what we do is we sit around and we wait for permission or we wait for it to be okay to be more fully ourselves, to boldly speak our truth, and then somehow magically get permission from, I don’t know who the hell to be able to make meaningful money doing the work we’re called to do in the world. And that I think that really holds people up. And so the point I want to make, and you’ve really lived it and you’re on the other side of it, right?
With a fully book practice that you know, February 13th of 2020 and you created that in less than a year by the way, since your podcast started. So the point is this, no one is going to give it to you. You have to claim it, you have to say yes to it, and then you have to be okay that it’s scary and you have to move forward anyway. And then we have to have grace and faith and trust in ourselves, in the universe. And that that to me is the clincher. It’s like when you claim your truth, when you claim this is who I am, you don’t get to hide anywhere. And I think that’s why it’s so hard to do because it’s go time. Like it’s, it’s like go time, the curtain lifts and here I am world, here I am and it’s not even about us. Anyway, we’ve talked about this light, right?
Like our healing and our willingness to show up is about those in our life. And those who need that guidance and support so much bigger than just our own extent is it’s 100% it. Oh my gosh, I’ve said this a thousand times to you. And people that know me, like mana isn’t even mine. It’s literally not. It’s on loan from the universe. I’m just the person who’s channeling it in. Right? So I, I completely agree with what you’re saying, but the paradoxical irony of that is that you can’t have it not be about you until you claim your right to be who you are. So the more we say, here I am, this is me. I won’t apologize. This is the message. It’s not for every, you know, the more we become more fully who we are, the less it actually does become about us. The more that we’re hiding who we, the more
It’s about us. We’re taking things personally. We’re really hurt that there’s only three lights on our Instagram posts. It’s like, it’s all about you because you’re, you know what I mean? It’s like, Oh my gosh, it’s so true. The more you are in your fears, really just you’re making it about you. Yeah, I right. It’s not about us. And it has to be from the inner work perspective, a radical act of self expression and authenticity. Responsibility to, yeah. My most recent Instagram post was like when you say yes to you, the universe says yes to you. Life says yes to you. And to me, like I had this vision that this is what each of us are born into. It’s like, you know the universe or God just has hands and there’s a gift and the gift is like your soul in your truth. And when you say yes to receiving that and standing in it, it’s like everything that you ever really wanted is possible.
And they’re the only thing standing in the way between us. And that is really our belief about it. And yeah, I just, I love that you said that. And Heather, nobody does this better than you in my opinion. That balance of, you know, being in alignment and then taking inspired action steps at the right time because it is two parts. And I would, and I’ve told you this before, like you do that better than anybody I know and you really balance those if we want to call it masculine and feminine energies, like you really hold both of those so well and I think it’s the time that we’re living that this is becoming more important. You know, say more about God. Yeah. So I mean I’m talking, I think, well I could say that I’m talking specifically to when in bed an actually not because if I’m talking to him and it impacts them then so you know, I think that we are just living in a time where we can do it the way that we want to.
If we claim it and we have awareness and we’re in alignment. If you want to work from home and you still want to be with your kids, you get to create what that looks like and you and I are, you know, we’re at an age where that isn’t necessarily how we were raised or taught, right? Like you see this, the younger generation right now, the 20 year olds and even some of the 30 year olds, it’s kind of like narrative. You have this knowing that there’s an opportunity for some systems there you still have to have the systems in place. You can’t be completely heart led in everything. Right. And I think the gift in being where we are is that we were born into more of the systematic approach and just like what women could and couldn’t do and go to college and get a good job and and all of that.
But we’ve broken through that and realize that there is so much possibility in standing in our truth and it does take both. It absolutely takes both. It’s, I just really believe that we’re living in a new time where what I want to show my daughters is that they can do what makes them happy. They can do what they want to do and support community. A coach, a mentor, and I’ve had a handful of them. I couldn’t have done it without them. I’ve had different types of mentors along the way. A community is so wonderful to have as well. And because we’re all reflections of each other and we learn and grow when we have that community. And I’m just so grateful that I’m at a point in my life now. You know, I worked at executive for 10 years and I had a health crisis and like that was my wake up call.
And I’m so grateful that I’m like standing in a place where I like, I literally love my job. I love what I do, I love what I do and I’m able to create the life that I want and I love the people that I work with and it feels really good. And it took work and it took trust and it took faith and I’m just grateful that I surrendered to that and that I also had the guidance to take action steps. And so what I just, I think what I want to share with the listeners is like if you’re listening right now in your, I always go back to the body. Like if you’re feeling like a tug at your soul right now or your gut that you know there’s just, you know that you’re meant for something bigger, like you just, your existence again is not just about you but that you’re here to serve in whatever way.
Chances are if you’re listening to the show already, you’re a healer either in your family at work, you wouldn’t be listening to the show most likely if you worked cause that’s how energy works. But if you’re feeling something right now and you, I would just invite you to be curious about the possibility of, of what it could look like for you. Like just go there like we tear the magical Andre, just be curious about what it could look like for you and maybe allow yourself to explore what is the worst that can happen because this helps people and what is the best that can happen. And you know, just if you’re a spiritual person, what I like to do is I just asked for support. Like we always have the support of our guides and God, right? Even if the world doesn’t support us, we always have that just to ask for support and guidance and chances are you’re going to hear a name, something’s going to come up in your email or something. And I just invite you to listen and explore and just be curious. And then trust. And then I think beyond the trust that you said in your own words is, and I started out with this, once you step foot on that path, I would also invite you, cause I think for me this has been the hardest part to let go of the attachment just of the outcome. Because whenever we say like, well all these successful, when I do this,
I feel like spirit and God are like laughing. Like that’s not being enough. Make a plan and God laughs. Yeah, exactly. And, but I feel like we limit ourselves sometimes when we do that because you know that myriad Williamson poem is my favorite. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. And I always come back to that [inaudible]. Yeah, that’s one of my, I mean I talk about it constantly. That’s one of my core values is were more powerful than we can possibly imagine. But what I think is so like the nugget, the little nugget and what you’re saying is so it’s like, but how am I going to do it? Right? How can I bridge this gap? You know, how can I really truly cultivate a life where I can make amazing money doing work I love from my house while serving my soul’s purpose, helping other people and still pick my kids up at three o’clock.
Like is that even possible? How, how, how? Well, one, it seems impossible because it hasn’t been done before for, for women, like first off, like let’s have some compassion for ourselves. We’ve never been able to do this before, ladies. Like we are warriors humble light, you know, peaceful warriors, creating a new reality for ourselves, our daughters and our granddaughters. So yeah, it’s hard cause it’s never been done before. We don’t have a template. We don’t have a schematic. Right. So, but it is possible. And what I would like to submit is it’s possible not in spite of your obstacle. It’s possible because of your obstacle and the obstacle. The obstacle is we’re all fricking terrified to do what we love and to do it boldly because we don’t think it’s gonna work. And so what do we do? We present a half-ass coaching practice that isn’t really what we want to do.
Girl, I’ve been there. I’m calling my own self out. I’m being advised by my own advice right now. That moment when you were in, bad’s in someone and you feel it by your own advice, like I know that one’s all time girl. You’re like, Oh, I’m chilling this shit. So like it’s about saying, okay, if you have a coaching practice and you’re in your heart, know that you’re not doing what you really want to do as much as you possibly can. If you are not giving it everything you’ve got in that moment and that shit ain’t working, it’s like we lovingly invite you to realize that it’s actually because you’re not being authentic enough. Like the obstacle is the way be more authentic and it will work and your coaching practice is proof of that. I think we sit around and we’re like, well, but I can’t raise my rates even though I want to make more money because no one will pay them.
And I’m like, have you ever thought that the reason why no one’s booking this happened in my practice? You were there, Jen, you know this happened in my practice. Every time my clients would dry up and in meditation, my guides told me one day, Heather, it isn’t because your rate is too high. It’s because your rate is too low. Yeah, it’s a vibrational match to energy and I would raise my rate and then my practice would thrive, but we never think about that. Do we? We never think about charging more is that your rate is too low. That’s why you don’t have clients. We never think about, you know, if things aren’t working because it needs to be because it could be more fully expressed. So I think we go the opposite direction. We drop our rate and become less authentic and less congruent with the truth of who we really are.
When what we really need to do is double the hell down and be like, okay, problems. I see your child growing up at 6:00 AM and you know, my stupid website crashing and I raise you. I’m going to go deeper into my PR. Like we don’t need to retreat. We need to buckle up and continue to drive forward and just make like an even more radical claim our right to step up and say, yeah, I’m a spiritual healer. I use energy to help people cultivate a better life. We all do this all the time even though we don’t know it. So let’s just go ahead and label this shit and get on with it, you know, move forward and claiming it as our own. Yeah, and I just want to say one thing. First of all, there were some really, really golden nuggets of wisdom that Heather just dropped in there. So if you’re listening, you might want to rewind a couple of minutes and write some of that stuff down or you know, refer to the show notes. But you know, from what happened and
With me, what I noticed is when I shifted to creating like a nine month program, I, so I have a nine month program, it’s the embodied healing, empowered living program that I created. And when I did that and create it like a package, like an entire package, that whole, when you say yes to you, life says yes to you. Like as you do that you’re, it’s like you’re giving somebody a gift. Like you’re giving them the opportunity because this is what’s really happening. We have what our mind thinks happening. Like, Oh it’s not, you know, enough for our clients or can we create that amount of transformation or whatever. It doesn’t even matter again, cause it’s not about us, right? It’s like what God does for us, right? Like we’re giving the opportunity for somebody else to say yes to themselves. And what I noticed is when, when somebody is really willing to go through the obstacle, because when you invest in yourself, all that shit comes up like, do I have the time?
Do I have the money? Do I have the support? Those are the top three. Right? And so you have to really work through that to see. Yes. And so when you do say as you know, you’re investing in yourself and you know you’re ready and so you’re going to more than likely find the time and be committed because you already invested financially. So this is where the energy is so powerful because everything is energetically aligned. So you know, it’s almost like kind of the more uncomfortable you are with it and the more you have to work through to
Say yes, what I notice is the bigger the results are, right? Because they are saying yes, we’re holding the space for them to say yes. And so I really realized from that standpoint that energetically, Oh, so here’s the other interesting thing. When I was charging less, but providing pretty still providing a lot of transformation. What the feedback did I was hearing is like, you know, because people charge less. They weren’t expecting to me so committed and so, okay, so let’s go, let’s really take a look at that because if I’m working with women whose belief or that they’re not good enough and then all of a sudden I’m giving them the opportunity to do self work, but they thought they were going to just do a little bit and they weren’t expecting that there was more of an investment of time that was required. Right?
Then I’m sort of like, Oh, [inaudible] compound confirming energetically there’s clarity. It’s like, no, we’re going to do this work. You’re going to commit this amount of resources, time and energy, time and money are both energy. This is the amount of energy required for that shift. Here’s your opportunity to say yes, this is the amount of shifts that is congruent with the energy that you’re putting in and then just let the magic happen. But like to me, we’ve talked about like energy is everything. And so you know, that’s probably a whole nother conversation for another podcast. I think so. I’d love to have you back on and let’s talk about that. Yeah, yeah, because what I heard you just say in a nutshell is it’s valuing what the work is that’s coming through you via this little thing we call a coaching package, right? It’s valuing that at its true value so that your client is informed accurately so that they can make a decision as to whether or not that is something they would like to partake in, but when we are letting our own shit get in the way and we’re undervaluing the true value of what the universe is off of, you’re offering other people via your coaching package, your coaching practice, then we’re jacking them to begin with.
It’s like they’re already in the Maya. The illusion of it right there having to, it’s my bullshit attached to, they’ve already got their own bullshit they have to drive through to be able to enroll without me undervaluing it or worrying about it. It’s like, okay, no, just here it is. Here’s everything I know. I’m called to coach. Here’s the best that I can bring through at this point in time. And this is the rate, you know, Jen, you’ve been through the Atlanta certification program, so you know this, we talk about the happy price and how we, about pricing our services is what’s the lowest amount I can charge because we want to give our clients a deal. You know, I know I do shit. I went through Starbucks the other day and I’m like, I want my $2 and 41 cents back. Like I got overcharged. I got back in that line. I’m like, that’s $2. That’s money to me still. I grew up poor that that stuff stays with you. So I know the value of a dollar. Right? But it’s how, what’s the least amount we can charge and simultaneously feel amazing about it.
Yeah. It has to be in alignment energetically. It’s a vibrational match. I mean that’s, and it’s two parts. It’s like being in alignment with your truth is the, and then you attract that match. You attract that vibrational match? Not just financially, but I can’t say it like enough. For me, the most rewarding part has been the people that I continually attract. Like that’s like the bonus is like it’s an energetic alignment because you have to value yourself a certain amount to say yes. So they’re already valuing, they’re already in alignment, they’re ready and when they say yes, it just starts happening like it just like, and it’s, and you know what I want to say to the listeners is like, I mean this from the bottom of my heart. Like the world is waiting for you. Like the world is waiting for you and the world needs you.
Like I’m like getting now my eyes are tearing up because I can’t, there’s, I believe so strongly in this, like this, this is what you were born to do. This is your birth right. And this is, you know, the world just needs you. The world needs coaches and you know, the whole intuitive empathic thing. There’s going to be a day where that is not, that’s going to be the norm. I know it’s going to be in 20 years. I’m not making that happen. Exactly. And it before then. I think actually just exponentially the way that we’re just evolving like 20 years is a long time. I think it’s going to be before then. We’re, you know, intuition is already the new mindfulness. Like we’ve talked about this. Right. But the thing is is what it really is Heather is it’s really just us remembering who we are.
We are, that’s how we were born. It’s just, I don’t know, conversation, you know, the world that we live in, his changed the way that we see intuition and you know, religion had a part in it and all the conversations right, that you’re probably going to have on this podcast. But like it’s actually that is our truth. And so when we say yes to tap intuition or to share it out with others, you and I are also giving other coaches permission to step into their intuitive gifts, which again, the world is waiting and the world is ready.
Yeah. So to speak to that, I’m going to, it’s funny that you’re saying this, Jen. I think it’s easy to say the world needs you. We hear this all the time. This is your birthright claim it, you know, you’re called to do the work, you have a soul calling, know you do just say yes, come on job. We’re constantly cheerleading and raw brine. But you know, and we had failed to mention this at the beginning of the podcast, but Jen is actually her formal education is she’s an engineer, a mechanical engineer, right? Like Holy cow. Okay, so she’s a data nerd. Science geek, data nerd. She likes math. I forgive her for that.
I hate maths. She loves math. That’s why we’re, we’re besties, but it’s, so it’s one thing to say that, but I actually nerd it out last night and ran the numbers on, I use the ICFs latest statistics on the number of coaches in North America. And then I used stats from the mental health community to talk about sort of like the pulse of at least here on in the North American continent, how great the need is. And I think it’s why we tear up, when we start talking about, Oh my gosh, please just say yes, the world needs you. Right? Like when, especially when you’re a coach doing the work and you start to see the trauma and the pain of the people out there that are so desperate for help. Like we might not have the data and the facts to back it up, but we feel it and we’re like, Oh my God, please, please, please.
Like this is literally why we started Atlanta was because I’m like, we gotta have more healers out there. And I just did a podcast on why are so many coaching coaches. And in that podcast I talk about it’s because we’re trying to build new infrastructure for the 21st century because the systems that you use to support us are gone. And coaching is filling that gap, right? So it’s in its infancy, but I ran the numbers on it. There are, okay, so there are 328 million people in America. This is just America alone. 20% of those people are diagnosable for a mental health condition. So we’re going to take those people out, right? They need to be with a master’s degree or above licensed person. Right. To help them with their stuff. So we’ll take them out of the population and say they’re seeing a mental health counselor that leaves us with approximately, I think it’s 20 263 million people.
Okay. So that’s who’s left when we take it out. Out of the 263 million, 80% of those individuals claim or, or self report to needing help. So we have, it’s kind of like the bell curve, right? We have 20% that are truly classically mentally ill. We have 20% on the other end of the bell curve that needs no treatment at all. Right? They’re just kind of like, Oh, I’m good. And then you have the rest needing some form of assistance to live a great life. You know, they’re not entirely okay, but they’re certainly not ill. Right. So that’s the, that’s coaching. Yeah. Okay. So that number comes out to 210 million people, 210 million people in America that need help. At this moment. Do you understand now why you need to say yes? And here’s the thing that’s crazy about this. There’s only 17,000 coaches on the North American continent practicing today.
So when you divide 210 million by the the 17 or the 1700 people, that’s like 12,000 clients for one coach. It’s like, like it’s ridiculous when we start thinking about how great the need is and here we are him and in Hawn as to whether or not we can get it done. Are you kidding me? People are sitting back like I, it’s like a crisis, right? Like when we really look at the numbers, there are not enough coaches to fill this need that it is. We are swimming in it. The demand is so, so, so high. So I just wanted to put some context to what you were saying. When you’re saying the people, the world is waiting for you, people are for you. Please say yes. Because yeah, like coaching isn’t just something you see people doing online. Like, you know, this is a legitimate profession that if we do not get the infrastructure of coaching up and running that 80%, they’ve got nowhere to go, man.
They have got no where to go that need that support. So yeah, that’s why you feel called. That’s why you, we tear up when we talk about it because we feel the energy of those people sitting there going, what the hell? What the hell? So yeah. Yeah. And we’re going to attract the right people when we’re in alignment because each of us brings our own life experiences in our own gifts and talents. And so, you know, if you’re someone who is thinking there’s not enough, there are more than enough. But you know, like I tell my kids like the answers already know if you don’t ask or you don’t try, like the answer is no. So what’s the worst that can happen if you try that? The answer’s no. Cause it was no if you didn’t try. Right. I love that. Well, yeah, I mean it’s really simple.
Like let’s not make things complicated. Like, so, you know, I just, I think from what I’ve witnessed in, cause you know, a lot of the people that I work with end up wanting, they’re already healers and they already know that they want to do some type of coaching and then they, you know, look at like [inaudible] because they do the inner work and you know, everybody just has their own story. There’s like Amman is a platform for becoming an intuitive life coach. And then what you can do is you can create your own niche. You can be a career coach, you can be a parent concern, you know, energy coach, a wellbeing coach and money coach at like and bring in all the other modalities you’ve studied. So engineering, you know, ironically you mentioned that so funny because I was in mechanical engineer and I was my first job was like, I worked with vibration and performance and, and I’m doing the same thing now. Like I feel vibrations the world,
Right? So I’m an energy intuitive and I, a lot of what I experience is through, through my body and you know, also audience, but still a vibration. And so I’m still like a vibrational engineer [inaudible] way instead of healing equipment or machinery or healing people. Yeah. So you know, it’s just funny how those experiences happen and they come full circle and you begin to realize that it all along, everything has been perfectly laid out for you. And I think one of the most important things that I heard you say today that I really loved was just like the obstacle is the way, you know. And that’s not like Heather and I are sitting here saying, you know, you need to have joy and fun and pleasure in your life. But you know, being in alignment doesn’t mean it’s easy. It needs its flow, it means you know when to integrate and you know when to expand.
You know that there is just, that’s nature expansion, contraction being, becoming ebb and flow every single day the tide rises and falls, you know, the same with the sun. Like it’s, that is how we exist. And so that is why support is so helpful. I think that is why coaches need coaches too because like we can’t do it alone. I mean, I expanded 10 times, you know? And just in my mentorship with you and with mentors that I had didn’t even back in health when I was health coaching and learning holistic like yeah, community and support are super important. I think
When you’re an enlightenment and alignment as well, it’s that also works upstream, like downstream, it works. Like, okay, I’m gonna attract clients that want to work with me and there’ll be an alignment. But if we’re not in alignment either you’re not going to find the right mentors. Yeah. Like you have to be in alignment or you know, you can go drop however much money you want on a coach, but it’s probably not going to be the right person for you if you’re not feeling what you need in order to truly express yourself. So, but I think the precondition upon all of this is our willingness to say us, our willingness to say, okay, I’m here and I’m willing to be vulnerable and be scared. And especially I think with intuitive work, I’ve had sessions before where, and I know you’ve Jen, you’ve had this experience too, like you’re like, Oh my God, Oh man, how am I going to help this person?
Like I’m really stumped. I don’t know. You know? But you go in and you trust your skills and you trust your talent and it is always some of the best work I’ve ever done. When I’m surrendering and I’m saying, okay, universe, if you want to Ebola, if you want to flow, I’ll flow. But we have to say yes, we can add with the hub and flow with the flow. And I think what we’re doing is we’re sitting around waiting for someone to tell us it’s okay or we want a guarantee. And I know that’s what I wanted before I was willing to just say yes and I think, you know, you’ve had a health crisis. So have I, I would just love it if we all did it without the health crisis.
If we were just to say, okay, without having to have the lesson come in the form of pain or suffering or trial and tribulation, we can just say, okay, yeah, I’m going to do this and I’m going to do the best I can to honor what I’m feeling right now and know that that is ultimately going to lead me into doing the work that I was always meant to do in a way that supports me in every conceivable way. It’s, you know, prosperity in every single way, meaning purpose, money, all the things, right. So yeah, I can’t thank you enough for coming on and sharing your story. We’re at, I think we’re about an hour or so. We’ll cut it, but I want to have you back on, I want to talk more about embodiment and how you do embodiment work. I think that would be super, super fun because that’s really the precursor to this, right? It’s kind of like embodiment is really how we’re, we’re able to say yes and to align and to start expressing in the world we embody first and then we’re able to really express it. So I would love that. That’s like sounds like I really do see on the conversation. So that thank you for, for having me on and just being a part of my journey and thank you that you know, I love you. That’s what this, that’s what we do. Yeah. The next time.