Ep81: Beyond Intuition: Two Other Ways the Universe Guides You

Oct 11, 2021

As an intuitive, it is natural for you to want to learn more about intuitive development – how to tap in, tune in, turn on and off your intuition, and be “always” intuitive. But what happens when you just feel intimidated and you don’t have that instant intuitive hit? Are there other ways the universe can guide you?

In this episode, Heather shares two amazing and often overlooked ways that the universe guides you in making intuitive decisions. She will also share what both guides truly look like and how you can develop both guides in order to strengthen your intuition. She will also share questions that you can ask yourself when you find yourself unable to tap into your intuition or when you are feeling overwhelmed.

Get ready for another beautiful episode full of words of wisdom and the amazing ways you are being guided by the universe.

Soul Stirring Quotes

“Intuition is the bang for your buck, the biggest and boldest skill, tool, ability that you can use to improve your life and the lives of other people.”

“Emotional energy is kind of a gas of intuition.”

“There has never been a moment since you have drawn breath in the world that you haven’t been feeling something. It’s always there.”

“When we really learn how to develop discernment, to really be in touch with how we truly feel at any one given moment, that is information. It’s not random.”

“Every thought that you’ve ever thought comes from an emotion that you felt, either a conscious emotion or an unconscious emotion.”

“Emotion is the bedrock of all thoughts. Emotions create your reality and thoughts reinforce the emotion.”

“Humans are powerful, powerful, emotional creatures. Not every creature in the world can feel like we feel.”

“Soul desires are meaningful to your heart, something that compels you to do something that you truly love.”

“Every dream you have and every higher desire you have ever possessed is not about gimme, gimme game.”

“Desire that comes from your higher self is expressive, emotive, and creates in the physical world and spirit uses desire to try to push and pull you in that direction.”

“I believe every last human being on this planet is a genius. If you look at the root word of genius, its original Latin means ‘one person who expresses their soul.’”

“When you become so unattached to the outcome, the reward is in the doing of it.”

“When you walk in your intention, it all comes to you.”

“Have the courage to move forward in the direction of these two divine principles and divine abilities that you possess. Allow them to lead you and guide you forward.”

“You are not here to sell yourself out. You are here to be an authentic, sovereign human being who is arising into his or her destiny and helping other people do the same.”

“The greatest gift you will ever give the world is a happy, fulfilled, aligned, and whole you.”

“You have, in every single moment, the ability to be guided. You are never alone.”


Episode Timecodes:

  • 0:26 Heather gives a brief introduction about the two ways the universe guides you.

  • 2:37 Beyond Intuition, Guide #1: Emotions.

  • 3:45 Heather shares why emotions are real and it’s importance to your intuition.

  • 5:25 Heather shares the steps you can take to become more aware of your emotions.

  • 5:49 Heather talks about thoughts and emotions, and how each one works.

  • 6:36 Beyond Intuition, Guide #2: Desires.

  • 7:37 What does true soul desire mean to you as a coach and an intuitive?

  • 10:25 Heather shares how you should recognize your soul desires and what it requires.

  • 12:06 What is the reward that you can get when you walk in your soul’s desire?

  • 141:07 Heather shares two questions you can ask yourself and what you can do when life is getting to you.

  • 15:06 Heather shares what the only and greatest gift you can give to the world and some beautiful words of wisdom.

Links Mentioned:

Join The Atmana Intuitive Coach Collective Facebook Group HERE

Join the next Live Your Purpose, Launch Your Practice Workshop here

Connect with Heather

Email: hello@heatheraliceshea.com

Timezone: America/New_York

Website: heatheraliceshea.com


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Episode Transcript:

Welcome to the everyday intuitive podcast. I’m your host, Heather Alice Shea intuitive life coach trainer status quo, shaker and founder of Atmana Coaching Academy. Listen in each week to break up with your comfort zone claim your self confidence and radically embrace your role as an intuitive healer mentor and sought after coach let’s get within and get after it.

Hello? Intuitives it is Heather here popping in for another amazing episode of the everyday intuitive. Today, we are going to talk about moving beyond intuition. I know it sounds crazy. It sounds that’s absolutely impossible to do, but I wanna talk about two other ways that the universe guides you. Right?

So we talk a lot about intuitive development. We talk a lot about how we really can begin to tap in. To tune in to turn on and turn up our intuitive abilities. But I think a lot of times people find that maybe a little hard to grasp onto it might feel a little intimidating to you. It might just. I don’t know, feel like maybe it’s a little out of reach.

So I wanted to give you two ways that you can begin to think about connecting with your own internal guidance system and be led and guided by spirit God universe, you know, whatever you conceive of a higher power to be in your daily life here and now. Okay. So we all know. That intuition is the bang for your buck, the biggest and boldest skill tool ability that you can use to improve your life and the lives of other people, particularly as a coach.

But that really isn’t the whole story, right? There are other ways mechanisms within ourselves that we can be let guided. And so I’m gonna give you two of those today and hopefully what it’s gonna help you do. Is when you don’t feel like maybe you’re totally tapped in as an intuitive, when you don’t feel like, Ugh, you know, you’re in alignment or flow that you still have these two other mechanisms that you can use that will help you be able to stay in touch with the truth of who you are and, you know, lead and guide your life in a very powerful way.

So beyond intuition, what is our first. Thing that we can use that helps us stay in connection. Well, the first is our emotions. Now we know that emotion, emotional energy is kind of the gas of intuition. Right. But what’s so cool about using emotions as an indicator is that we’re always feeling something.

There has never been a moment since you have drawn breath in the world that you haven’t been feeling. Something it’s always there. You might not be consciously aware of what you’re feeling in any one given moment, but that information is always there. Now I know and believe that when we really learn how to develop discernment to really be in touch with how we truly feel at any one given moment.

That is information. It’s not just random emoting. It’s not just random feelings. No, it is not random. That’s actually data. That’s intelligent information for you to use at any one given moment. That can lead and guide your. now, how do we know that this is true? Well, we know from the science that emotions actually affect our physical body, our mental health, our physical health, the quality of our emotions impacts our relationships.

It is as real as the area you’re breathing right now, just because we can’t see emotions. No one’s ever seen an emotion. Right? Well, nobody’s ever seen air either. Right. But we certainly know that it’s. Okay. So learning how to start to pay attention to how you feel at any one. Given moment is a powerful indicator of what is going on in your life right now.

And also what direction you should move in or not. Should you take this new job or not? I don’t know. How do you feel about it? How do you feel about it? Should you buy this new house or not? I don’t know. How does it feel? Right. So we always have access to our emotions. We always have access to that information.

And so it’s always right there. And I think we tend to overlook our feelings because they’re mundane. Right. We have them all the time. and we’re used to them. So they’re not snazzy feelings. Don’t feel like a lightning ball of the sky. Like when your intuitive impressions come. Boom. They kind of come in and it’s like, whoa, they have this quality that feels sort of maybe otherworldly or ephemeral or something out of the ordinary, but they kind of are right.

We’re not always tapped in and getting these profound, intuitive insights every second of our lives. Right. But we’re always feeling something. So I think we have a tendency to overlook them. So the first step I want you to take is start practicing, becoming aware of how you feel in any one, given. Random moments, random moments of your life.

You’re reading oatmeal in the morning. Wait, let me check in with myself. How do I feel right now? What’s coming up for me right now. What’s going on in my system. What’s going on in my body. How do I feel today? How am I doing today? If you notice that you have a reoccurring thought, right? Sort of those obsessive compulsive thoughts for overthinking, you can’t think your way out of a feeling problem, by the way, every thought that you’ve ever thought comes from an emotion that you felt either a conscious emotion or an unconscious emotion, right?

Emotion precedes thought, it’s the bread rock of all thoughts, thoughts do not create your reality emotions, create your reality and thoughts. Reinforce the emotion, get rid of the eyeing emotion. Thoughts. Go. Okay. It’s not me making this up. This is what the science shows. So learning to care about how you feel and learning how to shift emotion and become aware of emotion is in my opinion, one of the single greatest things you can do to not only develop sharper intuition, but also improve your life.

What’s the second one. Oh, this one is so good. This one is so good. What do you desire? What do you desire? See, in addition to your intuitive faculty to this emotional. Ability you have think about emotions and feeling emotions like an ability, cuz it kind of is humans are these so powerful creatures, not every creature in the world can feel like we feel we are powerful, powerful, emotional creatures.

You can’t think more than one thought you can’t hold onto one more than one thought at a time. Can you, but you can feel in any one moment, a thousand emotions. That’s our superpower. That’s what makes human beings unique out of all the creatures in the universe. Right? Nobody does emotions like we do guess what else nobody does like we do though.

You probably don’t think of it like a superpower, your desires, your desires. Now by desire. I don’t mean I wanna eat a piece of chocolate kick right now. That’s not a desire. I’m talking about a soul desire, something that is meaningful to your heart. Something that compels you, something that you truly love.

That is a part of your beingness. That is an irrevocable part. Of who you are, true desire, your higher desires, not the things your ego wants. I want a new car, you know, I wanna taco today for lunch, whatever. Right? I wanna go get a pedicure today. These are ego. I’m talking about things that are truly meaningful to you.

That you dream about that you hope for, that you wish for, that you wish for other people as well. Right? What do you envision, what do you desire to see come into the world for yourself for others? Right? What if I told you that every dream you have and every higher desire you have ever possessed is not about gimme, gimme, gimme.

We tend to think of desire like that. Gimme, gimme, gimme no desire that comes from your higher self desire that you come from. Your higher self is expressive. It’s emotive. It creates in the physical world and spirit uses desire to try to push and pull you in that direction. But here’s, what’s hard about desire.

Do we understand our own hearts? Do we even know what it is? We truly want, or has it been beat out of us? You know, I want to be an intuitive coach, but I’ll stick with my accounting job because I know that it pays the bills. Right. It’s too risky to do what I really wanna do. We have been taught to perceive our soul desires as something irresponsible, unrealistic, and selfish.

That is why we have a world filled with geniuses, walking around, not expressing it. I believe every last human being on this planet is a genius. If you look at the root word of genius, the word genius originally in its original, Latin means two, one person who expresses their soul. So back day when they said this person is a genius, they didn’t mean they were intellectually smart.

That’s not what genius means. That’s nothing to do with how smart you are to be a genius is to be a person who is expressing the truth of your soul. How do we get to that by following what we desire? Do you have to understand what your soul wants? Because what your soul wants is what you’re here to bring into being, and this requires massive, massive trust in ourselves.

Massive trust. Oh my God. Really? I’m gonna let that part of me lead. But there’s nowhere in the world. I can go to look to have that validated. There’s no one in the world who I can look to. Who’s gonna tell me that that’s the right decision. There’s nobody in the world. Who’s gonna understand it because they can’t because it was given to me by God to use and to put to good use in the.

How could anybody understand what it is you’re really called here to do? Are you kidding me? Hell, I hardly understand what I’m called here to do. . I just know what I know. I know how I feel and I know what I want and I’ve decided I’ll get up every day of my life. And if I failed doing what my soul calls me to do every single day, if I woke up every day and I mucked it.

I would go to bed, sleeping, happier, more contented and more at peace is a failure attempting to live the life. God has bestowed upon me than I would. If I was a millionaire doing something that somebody else told me I should be. And do. That’s being guided. That’s being led that you love it so much. You’d be happy to fail at it.

Now, the irony is this. When you open up to that, when you become so unattached to the outcome that you really just don’t care, the reward is in the doing of it. Whatever it yields doesn’t belong to me. I already got my reward by getting to wake up every day, endeavoring to do it. That is the reward. My failure, my victory doesn’t belong to me.

I’m not doing it for that. And you aren’t either. The irony is when you walk in that spirit, when you walk in that intention, it all comes to you. it just comes to you just, it just does. It’s the wildest thing. So this is the principle of non-attachment right? The Buddhist tradition talks about this, the principle of non-attachment.

So you get up, you love it so much. You don’t care if you win or lose, you’re just having fun. Remember when you were a kid and you just played, you were just in your joy, you didn’t worry about how well you were doing. You did it because you loved it. And that was the purpose of it. The love of it is the purpose.

That’s desire. That’s desire. Okay. So your desires are meaningful. They’re data points, that’s information. It’s actually intelligent information that we are supposed to be using to guide us. Okay. Our feelings you’re supposed to be using that to guide you. So in those moments, when you’re like, man, I am not feeling it today, dude.

It’s a mercury retro grade. You know, I’m on my period. I’m pissed off the dog threw up on the floor, all the stuff that goes wrong in a day, right. That you’re just like, like life is getting to you. And the last thing that you feel like doing is tapping into your intuition. If you’re not there yet, if that isn’t something that just kind of comes for you, then I want you to know that it’s okay.

I want you to stop and ask. Two, very simple questions. How do I feel right now? And what do I truly want? And then have the courage, the courage to act on those two things to love yourself enough. To give yourself what you need in that moment and have the courage to move forward in the direction that these two divine principles and divine abilities that we possess, allow them to lead you and guide you forward.

Okay. It is a radical thing to care about how you feel it is a radical thing. Take care about what you want in a world that benefits from your compromise and artifice. But you weren’t here to sell yourself out. You’re here to be an authentic sovereign human being. Who is arising into his or her destiny and helping other people do the same.

Okay. This is your birthright. You have the right to do this, right? The greatest gift you will ever give the world is a happy, fulfilled, aligned, and whole you. It’s the only thing you really have to give to the world, your ideas, aren’t yours, your children, aren’t yours, your body really isn’t even yours.

The only thing you have to give this world is your soul. The truth of who you are, because you’re the only thing that’s truly original. You are that unique individual expression of the divine. It’s really the only thing you have to give. And it’s also your sacred responsibility to give it, to cultivate the truth of who you are in fullness, and then humbly give it to the world.

Right? It’s the greatest gift you’ll ever give the world is you. So I want you to take these two things into your daily life. Understand that it is a gift, not only to you, but to others, that it feels one part selfish and one part selfless, and it’s not in the, or it’s in the end, it’s really all things, right.

And that you have in every single moment, the ability to be guided that you’re never alone, that you are made our system, our little human system, our minds, our bodies, our hearts, our mind, body spirit. We are made perfectly. We have it every moment, everything we need. Okay. So when you’re not feeling it, when you’re not feeling intuitive, how do I feel?

What do I want? And then courage to act on those things. Okay. I hope that this has been helpful. You guys, let me know how you feel. About what I’ve talked about here today, does this resonate? Does it not? What are some of the reservations that you guys have in letting yourself have permission to know how you really feel and what you really want?

It’s kind of scary, isn’t it? I’ll tell you what once, you know, how you really feel. And once you know what you really want, you don’t have any more excuses as to why you don’t do it. It gets very real life gets very, very real, but it’s exhilarating and it’s fun. So I will leave you guys with this. I love you guys together.

We rise. That is a wrap for today’s show. Thank you from the bottom of my feels for showing up today in your power and in your willingness to let your intuitive self lead. And if you are still working your way to your first 50 to 100 K in your coaching practice, I have two incredible free resources to help you fast pass.

This process, the first is to join our free and fun Facebook group. The atmana intuitive coach collective, where myself and our atmana instructors do free trainings every week. To help you turn your obstacles into opportunities with each and every step you take. So that you can begin to achieve success on your own terms and finally make the money that you know, you deserve.

So if you’re interested in joining our group, just pop onto Facebook and you can search bar atmana intuitive coach collective, and we will pop up. Or you can check our show notes for a link. And the second resource is a V I P ticket to our next upcoming five day workshop experience. Live your purpose, launch your practice, where you are going to learn four keys to claiming your intuitive confidence.

Calling in clients with authenticity and integrity. And then you’re gonna create your very first or one of many signature programs that help you sell your services with ease and grace. That also helps you go high ticket. So head on over to Heatheraliceshea.com/intuitive coach launch to get your V I P ticket, or you can check the show notes where you can get your hot little hands on a link to both the Facebook group and the five day workshop until next time I see you.

I love you together. We rise.